Part 7~ The morning after

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Me and Daniel find our hotel room and walk in. I immediately sit down on the bed and immediately burst into tears.
"Omg are you ok?" Daniel says running over and sitting down next to me pulling me close.
"I just really needed to get away from my life, I mean don't get me wrong I love my life but I just don't know anymore" I tell Daniel sobbing into his chest.
"I'm sorry but what do you not know about?" Daniel asks rubbing my back.
"I'm just not sure if I want to model anymore, it doesn't feel right to me" I tell Daniel.
"Well that's ok, are you still going to move to LA" Daniel asks.
"Yeah I've always wanted to move there and Zach is here and so are you" I say starting to control my tears.
"Well move there and try to figure something out" Daniel tells me.
"I mean I started a YouTube channel a while ago so I could do that" I tell Daniel.
"Yeah that would be amazing and I could help you" Daniel tells me. At this point my tears have stopped and I'm looking into Daniel's eyes. I lean towards Daniel and connect our lips. I deepened the kiss as I  run my hands through Daniel's hair.
"Thank you Dani for listening to me and not judging while I cried" I tell Daniel as I place my forehead on his forehead.
"Of course anything for you" Daniel says kissing me again. Daniel tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear and starts kissing me again. Things quickly get heat and Daniel starts kissing down my neck.
"Do you have a condom?" I ask Daniel.
"Always" Daniel says pulling a condom out of his wallet.
"Wow Dani" I say to Daniel as he starts kissing my neck again.

*time skip sponsored by Jack the poodle*

"We should probably go to sleep after all that" I say rolling over Daniel to turn the light off.
"Yeah your right it's almost 2:30 am" Daniel says. Daniel pulls me close to him and I cuddle into him.
"Zach is going to be pissed" I say.
"Oh well I don't care, he'll get over it" Daniel mumbles against my neck.
"Yeah ok, goodnight Dani" I say yawning.
"Goodnight Y/N" Daniel says back. Me and Daniel fall asleep In each other's arms.

*skip to next morning*

I wake up and roll over to the clock and see that it's 8:30 am. I try to get out of Daniel's grasp but he's arms are wrapped completely around me. I feel Daniel slowly wake up.
"Good morning" Daniel says in a raspy voice.
"Good morning I didn't mean to wake you up" I say turning to face him.
"It's fine" Daniel says.
"I was just going to use the bathroom then check my phone" I say to Daniel.
"Ok we can check them together" Daniel says as he let's go of me and I get out of bed. I shiver at the sudden coldness and my lack of clothes and run to the bathroom. I quickly do my business and come back out grabbing me and Daniel's phones.
"Here" I say crawling back into bed next to Daniel handing him his phone. We both power our phones back up and both of our phones both start buzzing like crazy from all the messages.

Y/N phone:
Zach missed calls (8)
Zachary 🤪~ where are you it's late?
Zachary 🤪~ you're worrying me
Zachary 🤪~ please answer me
Zachary 🤪~ Y/N
Zachary 🤪~ hello?!?
Zachary 🤪~ Whatever I'm going to sleep you better be back when I wake up
Zachary 🤪~ please be ok
Zachary 🤪~ I cant lose you
Coffee boi missed calls (3)
Coffee boi~ Zach's all worried because you haven't come back
Coffee boi~ I tracked Daniel's phone and saw that he's at a hotel so I'm going to try to calm  Zach down
Space alien~ all the boys are freaking out besides Jack who fell asleep on Zach about an hour ago
Space alien~ Zach finally went to sleep so you guys better be alive

"Omg Zach sent me so many texts" I tell showing it to him.
"Yeah but Jonah tracked my phone so we're fine" Daniel says showing me his messages.
"Well at least Zach didn't call the police" I say to Daniel laughing.
"Yeah and I'm going to text Jonah because he's probably the only one awake" Daniel says grabbing his phone again.
"Yeah do that" I say as Daniel texted Jonah.
"Ok done" Daniel says setting his phone down somewhere on the bed.
"Good now we can stay here forever" I say snuggling into Daniel's chest.
"Not forever but for a while" Daniel says letting a small laugh out. We stay like this for about another 30 minutes.
"We should probably get up and go back to my apartment" I say to Daniel
"Yeah" Daniel says. We both get up and go put our clothes from last night back on. We grab all our stuff and head out of the room. We go into the elevator and go down to the lobby. We walk to the desk to find the same lady there from last night.
"Well hello again I'm surprised your up so early" the lady says.
"Yeah" Daniel says giving her a fake smile.
"We only got one noise complaint about you guys last night kinda surprising" the lady says looking at me. Daniel pulls me closer to him sensing my discomfort.
"Sorry" Daniel says.
"Oh it's fine I expect more I mean by the looks of you two you guys are probably all over each other, your young, attractive, and you guys obviously really like each other, I can tell just by looking at how close you are now" the lady says.
"Umm ok" Daniel says trying to get out of this place as fast as possible.
"Yeah, I just need you to pay and then your free to go" the lady says smiling at Daniel.
"Yeah ok" Daniel says pulling his wallet out and using his debt card to pay.
"Ok thank you, enjoy your life together" the lady says as me and Daniel walk as fast as possible out of the hotel.
"Next time we spend the night together somewhere other than one of our apartments we're making sure the hotel is nice" i say to Daniel getting in the car.
"Yeah for sure" Daniel says laughing and driving away. We head back to my apartment building and walk into it going up to my floor. Me and Daniel both stop in front of the door for a second then I pull my keys out unlocking the door. I open the door to find...

You never know/ Daniel Seavey imagine Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora