5 | improvisation at its finest

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," Jeremy agreed, "Be careful with it dick."

Evelyn huffed, "Really, Jer? Is that the best you can do?"

Jeremy scoffed, shaking his head before walking away.

"Hey," Evelyn spoke up, leaning against the door frame. "Since your here, think you could give me a lift to the grill? Elena has my car."

"Yeah, I was actually just heading there now," he replied.

"Perfect," she smiled, "Let me just grab my jacket."

She made her way into the kitchen where Jeremy stood, "Really?"

"What?" she asked innocently. "It's convenient."


Rolling her eyes, she rejoined Tyler, closing the door behind her.

They made their way to his car. They had been driving for a few minutes when Tyler turned down the radio. "How are you?" he asked. "I haven't really had the chance to talk to you since you've gotten back."

"I've been busy but good," she nodded, glancing over at him. "You?"

He smiled tightly, "Anger still gets the best of me."

"Remember what I told you?" she inquired and something seemed to register.

"Focus on something, right?"

"Yeah, an anchor of sorts," she explained, "A voice, a memory, a person, an item. Just think about it and focus on that instead of what's making you so angry. For example, my brother."

He cleared his throat, "About that..."

Evelyn shook her head, "Your business with my brother can remain between you two but try not to beat him up next time."

"I never said thank you," Evelyn said after some time and he grew confused. "For telling my parents."

"Oh, that," he nodded, "You're welcome, I guess. Not really sure what the proper response is in a situation like this."

She laughed a little as they pulled into the Grill's parking lot, "Does anyone?" They made their way into the restaurant and Evelyn turned to him, "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime," he replied, allowing the door to shut behind them. "Hey Vick," Tyler greeted as she passed by the two.

"Tyler, hey," she grinned until her eyes fell upon Evelyn who was trailing behind him. A scowl formed on her face taking Evelyn by surprise, "Evelyn."

"Um, hell to you too?" Evelyn greeted before gesturing off into an unknown direction. "I'm gonna go...away from here."

She quickly made her way away from the pair and sat down after ordering her food. She pulled out her phone once she took a seat and called up Elena. "Hello?" the girl answered.

"I'm gonna need you to pick me up from the Grill," Evelyn said immediately.

There was shuffling on the other line, "How'd you get there in the first place?"

"Tyler drove me."

"Can't he bring you home?"

"He's kind of in the middle of an argument with Vicki," Evelyn explained, glancing over at the couple. "Oh and, it's my car."

"Fine," she huffed. "I'll be there in ten."

"Love you too, sis."

She hung up the phone just as her food was brought to her. "Thank you," she said, not looking up at the person until she realized they weren't going to walk away. She looked up to find Vicki standing there, "Hi?"

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