Part 4

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'Hyorinmaru Speaking'


*actions in speech*.

Naruto's POV.

I tooked my two little boys to the park as I promised. They played a little bit of soccer.

"Daddy! Come play with us!" smiled Hichigo. I chuckled and stood up. I walked over to them. We kicked the ball around then...

"Naruto-nii!" shouted a female voice.

'Please god no,' I thought. I turned around and saw the Uzukaze family. Minato Uzukaze, Kushina Uzukaze, Menma Uzukaze, Naruko Uzukaze, Rin Uzukaze and Mito Uzukaze. I groaned.

"Who's dat dada?" asked Toshiro.

"No one Shiro, just daddy's students," I smiled. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at it. It was Minato's.

"What do you want, Lord Hokage?" I asked.

"Can't a father come and see his own son?" asked Minato.

"Can't a father spend time with his own sons?" I asked, glaring at him.

"What sons?" asked Kushina.

'Did she forget about my introduction today?' I thought.

'Looks like it, master,' said Hyorinmaru.

"Mum, Naruto-sensei said that he was a father during introductions today," said Rin. 

"Daddy, who's that?" asked Hichigo, pointing at Minato.

"Just the Hokage, Hichigo, nothing to worry about," I said.

"Nothing to worry about?! Here we are coming to see you and try to apologise to you! And here you are wanting nothing to do with us?" asked Kushina.

"I wanted nothing to do with you after you neglected me. I moved on from my past life. I now live as Naruto Hitsugaya, the Snow Reaper. Father of 2, fiancee to an Uchiha. So just bug off and leave me and my sons alone," I growled. 

"Never! We wanted to spend time with our big brother! Why won't you let us?!" shouted Menma.

"I'll say it again. I want nothing to do with spoiled little brats that is always using that same excuse. We're the children of the Hokage! I dare you to go to Kumo and say that. Then see how people give a damn. Because in the Shinobi world, titles like those will get you killed, titles like Rookie of the year mean nothing. Get on my level then I'll consider  naming you my little brother or sister. Until then you are just a student to me, nothing else," I growled. I then felt a hand on my shoulder (Minato let go of mine earlier). I turned around and saw Rylie. She smiled softly. She had Hichigo in her arms.

"Naru-kun, lets go home. The boys are barely staying awake," said Rylie. I sighed in relief and nodded. I picked up Toshiro and grabbed Rylie's hand

"We'll continue this conversation..... never. Ja'ne," I said before flashstepping home. 

After we put the boys to bed, we went to bed ourselves. Well Rylie giving me a massage.

"Sorry, I broke your promise, Rye," I said.

"No it's fine. I would be like that if my parents neglected me after Sasuke was born," she said kissing my shoulder. I relaxed against her torso.

"I wondered," I said looking outside.

"Wondered what?" asked Rylie as she wrapped her arms around my chest. I looked at her and smiled softly.

"I wondered where would I be if I never met you," I said. She blushed and kissed me. 

"Probably dead," she said.

"Probably, but I'm happy that I've got you in my life," I smiled. I closed my eyes. 

"I love you Rylie," I said.

"I love you too, Naruto," said Rylie. 

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