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Hiroshi looked at the messages with a mixture of feelings, his thumb hovering over the screen, trying to decide if he'd read them or not.

It had been 6 months already, surely she had forgotten him after returning to the safety of her regular life. He knew this had been an adventure for her, and couldn't help to think that bastard Tom had been right about one thing. Men like him were an experience for women like her.

Looking at the time, he realized it was pretty early in New York, which could only mean she was accidentally dialing him. With a sigh, he opened the messages, frowning at the pictures. It was obvious someone else had taken the pictures without her knowledge, as they were of her doing mundane things such as washing the dishes and curling up on the couch, a throw over her legs.

He frowned as in the 3rd pictured, he could see her holding her stomach, he assumed probably laughing at something on the television. And then the 4th picture showed her standing and he felt the air leave his lungs.

Annabel was pregnant.

His heart thudded in his chest as he pressed the call button, feeling his blood pressure spiking as he waited anxiously for her to answer. He didn't care that he'd told her she'd never hear from him again, or that they did not have a future together, because this changed everything.

"Hiro?" His heart settled at the sound of her voice, soft and dared he think, hopeful.

"Annabel. How are you?"

He felt himself smile as she laughed, her laughter one of relief and elation. He loved hearing her laugh, sitting on one of the stools at the breakfast bar as he waited for her laughter to subside.

"It's- it's really nice to hear your voice" she said sheepishly after a few more seconds of giddy laughter, Hiroshi chuckling as he nodded in agreement, realizing too late she couldn't see him.

"I agree. You sound happy. Are you?"

"Yes. I'm happy right now. I- I- I miss you."

He groaned, running a hand through his hair. Sucking in a fortifying breath, he leaned his elbows on the marble counter top and sighed loudly.

"I miss you too baby. But- Annabel remember what I told you, ok? We cannot be-"

"Why?! Just- just come to-"

"It is not that easy!"

"Have you ever wanted to get out before? Has there been anything that made you want to get out?" She asked curiously after a small pause. He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose before he pulled away from the counter and started heading towards his bedroom.

Reaching at the top of his closet, he pulled down a Gucci weekend bag he'd bought years ago and started neatly arranging clothes in it.

"No. But I will come see you. I- I need to see you again. One last time."

He was in New York City 16 hours after their conversation, exhaustion coloring his features into a scowl as he walked through the terminal towards the taxi stand, his weekender bag the only luggage he'd brought.

It was cold, Hiroshi thanking his lucky stars he'd dressed appropriately for the weather in New York, stopping as he made eye contact with light brown eyes just before he reached the exit.

He took her in as she smiled widely and waved, motioning for him to walk to her. Her hair was straight, the dark strands shiny and free, their glossiness reflecting the harsh light of the airport. She seemed a little rounder in the face and he knew, instinctively, that the child she carried was his. The thought propelled him to move his legs, smiling at her wanly, chuckling as she held out a balloon with WELCOME HOME printed on it.

"You're here! Finally!" She cried before she hugged him tightly, pulling away before he could reciprocate, turning towards the exit as she started rambling, asking him a million questions.

He followed her silently to the parking garage, not looking at her as they stood side by side in the elevator on their way up to level 5.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly once the doors pinged open and he was following her to the car. Shaking her head as she fumbled in her bag for the keys, Annabel kept quiet. The gray wool coat she wore looked perfectly tailored for her, outlining her curves which Hiroshi found he could not look away from.

Instead of going to the passenger side, he followed her to the driver's side and on a swift movement had turned her around and had her against the car with a gentle but unmoving hand.

"I would never hurt you Annebel. I would never make you cry, my love. But-" he looked down to the swelling between them, tentatively placing his hand on her belly, laughing lightly.

"You shouldn't have kept this a secret from me either."
She nodded mutely, sniffling as she wiped away a few tears before she shook her head.

"I wasn't thinking about anything but how happy I was. And then- then I realized I wasn't going to be able to share this with you. That's why I didn't call. I knew you couldn't come be with us."

"But I am here now, if only for a few days, we can be happy, yes?"

She nodded, smiling brightly but it didn't reach her eyes. He knew that while she was happy he was there, his inevitable return to Japan lingered in the back of her mind. Impulsively, he planted a tender kiss on her forehead and held his hand out for the keys.

Annabel drove an older model Audi Q5, which he knew was a nice car but he wanted his child to always be safe. While he could not be present there at all times, he wanted to make sure she was prepared for the baby's arrival and had everything she would need for that.

"I don't let anybody drive my car! You're lucky I like you" she complained with a pout, reluctantly handing over her keys. He followed her to the passenger door and made sure she was comfortable inside before going to the driver's side. He was grateful when she set the GPS up for him, and it smoothly directed him to a nice apartment building in Queens.

She motioned for him to park in the garage adjacent to the building and they walked hand in hand towards her apartment, catching up on small things as they made the short trek.

Hiroshi knew he had to savor every second he spent with her.

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