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She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, and the glow of being pregnant with his child added to her beauty was all he could think as he watched her sleep.

They had arrived at her place a few hours earlier, barely making it inside before they were kissing hurriedly, her small hands greedily touching him everywhere as he tried to steer her in the direction of the living area so they could sit. And maybe talk. But that was the furthest thing from Annabel's mind and consequently, his.

He lamented not having been around to see the changes her body went through as their baby grew inside of her, knowing she'd needed the help or at the very least to hear how beautiful she was. How good she smelled.

But he was there now and it was all that mattered to him as he traced a gentle design on her shoulder. Mumbling in her sleep, he ignored her and pulled her close in his arms, sighing as she cuddled against him and calmed down immediately.

To him, this was bliss. Being with this woman who had captured his heart when he wasn't looking for it, who had showed him it was good to laugh and unwind if only for a while, to give yourself that self care you deserve, which he'd been ignoring in favor of working. He knew he'd won the lottery when he met her, but he couldn't keep her.

It was what hurt him the most, knowing they could never be together and now with a child on the way, it broke his heart to think his little baby would never know who he was.


He looked down at the sleepy woman that snuggled closer to his naked chest, pressing herself against him as she opened her eyes and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Hmmmm? I'm still here. Do you want something to wear?" He asked worriedly, throwing off the covers before hurrying to the dresser in the room, frantically opening the first drawer and retrieving a white tee and sweats. Turning and holding them up for her approval, he laughed at the quizzical look on her face.

"I do not want you to get sick. It's pretty cold, you should not be naked in bed. Let me help you dress" he said casually, helping her dress before he had her turn around so he could brush her hair and then braid it into a simple braid.

"Okaaaaay. Thank you. That was sweet of you. Are you going to tell me that you're leaving? Is that why you're being so nice?"

He chuckled, shaking his head slowly. He turned her so she could look at him, tenderly touching her cheek, finding that his heart felt so overjoyed at seeing her, being with her, that it might burst.

"No. I have a one way ticket. Maybe I will stay for a few days. If you behave" he teased her, smiling when she giggled happily before throwing her arms around his neck. He laughed as they tumbled backwards, sliding strong arms around her waist carefully, not wanting to squeeze her or the baby.

"Do you know what it'll be?" He asked curiously an hour later as he watched her cook. She nodded before turning back to the stove, clearing her throat noisily as she stirred whatever was in the pot.

"You do not want to tell me?"

"I do. I'm just concerned you'll be disappointed that it's going to be a girl" she explained, carefully placing a plate in front of him. The food looked delicious, she'd made him steak and wild rice with a salad, and his mouth watered as the smells hit his nose. Hiroshi waited until she was seated next to him to take her hand in his, kissing it lightly before he leveled serious eyes at her.

"I am not disappointed. She is my child and I love her already, even though she was a surprise."

Falling asleep with Annabel in his arms was a peaceful event. He'd helped her clean up the dinner dishes, despite her insistence that she could do it and then they sat for a little while to watch tv and catch up.

Annabel told him how surprised she was when she missed her period and then the shock of finding out she was pregnant. She reasoned she would never hear from him again and had considered calling him several times to tell him, but didn't know how.

"I didn't know if you'd even pick up the phone, let alone how I would say hey I'm pregnant. It seemed tacky" she argued, as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"So who sent the pictures?" He asked curiously, Annabel looking at him in confusion, her dark brows knitted together.

"Which pictures?"

Hiroshi held out his phone once he'd found the pictures, watching her delicate hands hold the slim device before she was gasping.

"I'm going to fucking kill Meghan!"

He laughed and took the phone from her hands as she angrily struggled to stand, glaring at him as he laughed a little harder. She looked adorable, the white tee she wore hugging the contours of her cleavage and her belly.

"It's not funny Hiro! She knew I decided to not tell you, grrrrrrr! She's so annoying!" Annabel argued as she searched for her phone. Hiroshi stood and gently stopped her from looking further. He encircled his arms around her, and tipped her chin up so she could look at him.

"I am glad she decided to say something. I would not have forgiven you if I would have found this out much later in my child's life. My daughter will need me, as will you. And I already am finding it hard to be without either of you and it has not been one whole day."

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