Mondo Owada x Reader

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A/N: Requested by @fizzoey! Sorry it took so long to write this, but I hope you like it! :)

[Reader is gender neutral]{Non-Despair AU}[Fluff]


You sit at your desk twiddling a pen between your fingers, the teacher droning on in the background. The lesson is of little interest to you as all lessons have been, especially lately since you've had something, well, someone else on your mind. You peek a glance forward towards the desk diagonal to you where he sits: Mondo Owada.

You never thought that he'd catch your attention, but as time went on you found yourself thinking about him at the most random times, and staring at him during classes. Every opportunity you had, you'd try and speak to him, but he'd always end the conversation quickly and walk away without looking back in your direction. This however made him even more interesting to you; why was he like this? Is there more to him than the big dangerous-looking biker gang leader that everyone assumes he is? You are determined to be the one to find out!

Your gaze lingers on him for a few minutes before you lose grip on the pen you were playing with and it flies in Mondo's direction.

Shit, what do I do now?

Luckily the teacher hadn't noticed and yelled at you, but Mondo felt the pen land on his foot and didn't know where it came from. He picks it up and looks around behind him trying to see who'd thrown the pen at him. You look down at your paper a spare pen in hand and sweat dripping down your forehead.

I can't tell him it's mine! What if he thinks I did it on purpose? I don't want him to hate me cuz of something like that!

He shrugs it off and turns back to the front of the classroom. You sigh and try to clear your mind until the bell signals that it's lunchtime.

*ding dong bing bong*

You grab your things and stuff them into your bag hastily, walking out of the classroom to go get something to eat and hoping that Mondo didn't notice your slight panic.

*time skip*

You head to your classroom a few minutes before the bell for the end of lunch and hear yelling coming from inside.

What's going on in there? Was that Mondo and Taka yelling just then? I couldn't understand a word of what they said.

As you enter you notice Mondo, Taka and Chihiro conversing with each other. Mondo seems distressed while the others seem to be helping him. As you sit by your desk once again you attempt to listen in on what Mondo is now saying rather than yelling, but the words are muffled.

This continues for a few minutes until Taka suddenly raises his voice "Don't worry bro! You can do this, I'm sure of it!!"

"Pipe down you idiot!" Mondo hisses in his direction, his face suddenly flushing pink.

Aww he's so cute when he's embarrassed! But, what was that about?

A smile creeps onto your face unknowingly, but you're snapped out of your trance by the bell once again. The teacher enters and your next lesson begins.

*time skip*

The final lesson of the day ends and you head to your locker before leaving for home. You were preoccupied during the rest of your lessons by what had happened during lunch and what could be troubling Mondo.

Maybe I can try talking to him about it? As long as he doesn't walk away like he normally does...

You approach your locker and enter the combination to unlock it. As you open it to drop off your books something falls out and lands on the floor next to you. A closer look at it reveals it's an envelope of some kind.

Ooh what's this? I don't recognize it so someone must have left it here for me!

You excitedly open it up and reach inside to find a letter and something else. You decide to read the letter first:


I can't say this to you in person so I'm gonna write it instead, but I'm not the best with words so here I go.

I like you (y/n), you're so special to me! Every time we talk my heart beats out of my chest and I can't find the words to speak. Damnit you're just so incredible and I always wanna be there for you!

But...I didn't wanna scare you away since I yell when I'm nervous, so I could never hold a long conversation with you. I'm sorry if you hate me for that...

Please know that my feelings for you are so fucking real and I would do absolutely anything for you! Will you go out with me?


Looking up from the paper you take a few steps backwards and an intense blush consumes your face.

"H-he l-likes me? He a-actually likes me?" You stutter to yourself unable to believe what is happening.

A love letter though...he really does have a soft side! That's so cute!

You reach back into the envelope to find a pen. The pen you accidentally threw at Mondo earlier today.

"He knew it was me?" You think back to the end of lunch and realize: Taka and Chihiro were helping him convey his feelings!

Without wasting another second you slam your locker closed and rush through the corridors in search of Mondo, hoping that he hasn't gone home yet. You spot him near the school exit, still with Taka and Chihiro.

"Mondo!" You yell for him, ignoring the others. You rush up to him and as he turns around you leap onto him, your arms wrapped around his neck. He manages to maintain his balance but his face burns up in shock. You hug him tightly, refusing to let go.

"Yes! Yes yes yes!" You can't stop yourself from smiling so much. If this was a dream you didn't ever want to wake up. Mondo shakily wraps his arms around you, still shocked by your sudden appearance.

"I love you," you whisper to him.

"I love you too, and don't you forget it," he whispers back.

Both of you stay there embracing each other for what seems like forever, the world around you standstill and silent. Nothing else matters. All that matters is that you're here with Mondo, and that he'll always be there for you.

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