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I started walking to the mall I went to a small cafe, I sat down and ordered a coffee. Where could Felix have gone? Then I heard my name. "You know that Y/n girl?" I turned and saw the same girl Yoongi was with that night. Flashbacks started to flood in, and they were not good. I started to eavesdrop on them. "Yeah...Jimin started to lose touch with me..and he keeps neglecting me..I even sometimes catch him in his office masturbating to her picture.." Jimin?! I was shocked and disgusted but I couldn't help blushing. I turned and saw both of them, the girl that was talking about Jimin was way prettier and more beautiful then me. Does she know Jimin? what is she to him? why am I thinking these things?

i'm not jealous am I? no I can't be... I saw Suran there too she was just as beautiful. I started feeling self conscious. "Once Yoongi saw her he made me go to the gala alone! he hurt me so much! That bitch needs to die in a hole.." she says obviously angry. I just sip my coffee as I continue listening. " so we both agree that she stole both our men?" I stood up and threw my coffee away as soon as I finished it. I walked out quickly, what did I do wrong? why does everyone hate me so suddenly? it's all just a misunderstanding...please don't hate me..I don't know what I did wrong...

as I started walking i ended up walking in a Gucci store. I sighed and looked around, there was a really nice sweater my size at the very top but I couldn't reach. then someone grabbed it for me. I turned around and thanked whoever helped me. "you're welcome Y/n.." I looked at the person and the color drained from my face. "T-Taehyung...what are you doing here?" I ask afraid. he chuckles. "if you knew me I'm known to be the Gucci king so this is my store."

I put back the sweater somewhere else and try to escape but he holds my hand making me feel overwhelmed. "C'mon babe choose anything you want i'll get it for you..." he says with a smile.

"you want that sweater? i'll get you it if you want..anything you want i'll get it for you.." I shake my head.  "Taehyung....I-" "Look who it is...Taehyung..." both me and Taehyung turn around and I see the two girls from the cafe and...Jimin. Jimins eyes widens, "Y/n..." I look at the girls who looked at me in disgust they start whispering and I heard one word. "slut.." I was about to fight them but I had no confidence to. I never had any confidence to do anything I wanted.

Jimin let go of the girl with black hair and walked over to me and Taehyung, Taehyung pushes me behind him and blocks me from JImin. "what are you doing with Taehyung?!" Jimin asks me. I purse my lips and look on the ground, again I couldn't say anything. "Leave us alone Jimin! We were just out shopping.." Taehyung says. "but why is she with you?!?!" Jimins voice starts getting louder.

I look at Taehyung, his fists were starting to tighten, I didn't want any bloodshed, not here, not now. I hold Taehyungs hand to calm him down and it works, he looks at me with an innocent look. I shake my had and lean my head on his back.  he starts calming down and galares at Jimin afterwards. "what do you want Jimin aren't you already busy with your girlfriend Jisoo?" so that's her name. it was Jimin who starts to ball his fists, "she means nothing to me! she's not my girlfriend!" Taehyung starts grinning, "you're such a play...isn't she that girl you had a one night stand?" I look at Jisoo she looked sad, maybe she started developing feelings for him.

"and why's Suran tagging along? are you getting with Yoongi's Girlfriend too? wonder what happens if I tell him." Taehyung starts laughing. "Taehyung stop let's just leave please?" I ask him, "ok babe.." we walk past Jimin as I look at him I remember him pinning the gun at Woojin's head. He glares at me as I pass by, I but as soon as there was room for me to move I let go of Taehyung and made a run for it. "Y/N!!" I heard him yell which everyone stops walking and looks but I keep running.


a smile crawls on my face as I see Y/n run away from Taehyung, but Taehyung got me pissed and he's not gonna get away with it that easily. He turns and I punch him in the face. JIsoo and Suran hold my arms back to make me stop. "Jimin stop!!" Jisoo says. I see Taehyung laying on the ground blood dripping from his nose. He tries wiping it away, he startes to glare at me. he stands up and everyone looks at me and Taehyung. Taehyung was about to plant a punch but someone kicked him back. I looked at the guy and saw...Jin...

"Jin!! what are you doing here?!?!" I say he punches me too and I fell but Suran and Jisoo caught me. Jin goes to Taehyung and helps him up then walks over to me. "what the fuck have you both done now?!?!" he says to both of us. "Y/n came and.." I started saying but Jin kicked me in the gut making me yell. "shut your dirty mouth you bastard...even off duty I have to deal with you both...I fucking hate you both..." "I hate you too Jin-Hyung..." Taehyung says along with a laugh.

Jin kicks him in the gut as well. he grabs both a chunk of our hairs and pulls us up to face him. "If I see you associating with Y/n again...I will kill you with no intent of mercy whatsoever...ok?" he says with a wicked grin. he lets go of both of us and walks away. I look at Taehyung and Taehyung looks at me. Both Suran and Jisoo help me up but I push them away. "get off me!!" I yell at them. I look at Taehyung as we both stand up. "I fucking hate you..." I say to Taehyung with disgust. " hey you're the player here getting with yoongi's girlfriend.." He says. I start walking away from him, "where are you going now?!"

"To Y/n.." I said under my breath.

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