Workplace Drama

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"That's why I called the two of y'all in here." Fowler says. "Listen, I'm still warming up to androids myself. No offense, Connor." He adds that last part quickly.

"None taken, Captain."

"The more I thought about you two trying to help that big guy reform, I started to realize how this is a great opportunity for our unit."

Hank furrows his eyebrows, he and Connor exchanging a look before returning their attention to Fowler.

"We've already got Connor working for us which is great because he picks up on things us humans can't which helps us solve cases quicker and yada, yada...all that good stuff."

Connor straightens his posture a bit, feeling awfully proud of himself upon hearing his superiors words. Though he's far from ready to hear what's to follow.

"So I figured, why not put that other Android on probation?" Jeffrey continues thoughtfully. "Give him some work to take care of for free while he's around, ya know? Like community service but for our department. Know what I'm sayin? It'd save us a lot of money, give us some extra help, and it'll benefit you guys in helping his reform."

Hearing these words is like shattering glass to Connor. His eyes widen at the thought of the other Android possibly replacing him and he's quick to beat Hank to protest.

"Fowler, that's—"

"With all due respect, Captain, that's an incredibly irresponsible move." Connor points out. "You have no idea what RK900 is capable of and you freed him from his cell without us here. Something could have gone wrong and you wouldn't have had someone here to help."

"I'm gonna stop you right there. I know what I'm doing, alright, Connor? You yourself told me the chances of that thing becoming violent were low and he hasn't given me a single issue yet. No back talk or nothin." Fowler retorts. "And I may not have a map of every single one of his capabilities but from what I've been informed, he's an advanced version of yourself. That gives me enough to work with." The man gives a slight shrug of his shoulders, picking up some papers on his desk and straightening them out.

Connor goes to say something in protest but Jeffrey beats him to the punch.

"You're great at your job, Connor. It would only benefit us to have another android willing to help around here." He says, tucking the papers away in a folder. He brings his eyes back to Connor's. "I figured you'd be happy to have another android in the office. Ya know, someone you can chat with who better understands you?"

"I'm perfectly capable of conversing with humans, Captain. I don't need someone on staff who understands me. So long as I'm able to complete my job, that's all that matters." Connor says, trying not to convey a look of annoyance that he so strongly felt in the moment.

Hank glances over at Connor, a bit surprised by Fowler's news though he's all too aware that hiring another android was inevitable. It was the fact that it was this one he was putting to work that bothered Connor and he could tell.

"Keep in mind that this is only temporary so it ain't like you're being replaced. If every time I hired someone who was replacing someone else, I'd have no employees left." The captain says. "It ain't like he'll be here forever, alright? It's just like you said. He needs to find something he likes doing so when he's outta here, he can find an actual job. For now, this is a form of punishment."

Just Like You but BetterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu