Chapter 15

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It is 5 pm on a Friday evening. Astrid should be arriving at any minute since she agreed to get ready for the party with me. The exciting part? She has no idea that I am going to give her a complete makeover! I'm so excited! I know Astrid is truly beautiful but I feel like she doesn't express herself and her features. I'm going to help her out a little. I hear the doorbell ring and I bolt towards the door. Astrid hugs me and has a couple of bags in her hands which I'm guessing is the stuff she's going to be wearing at the party.


"Hey girl! What's up!" I say to her while smiling.

"Nothing much. Just so excited for tonight!" She comes in my house and we both go upstairs to my room.

"Me too! I can't wait to just let loose and go out."

We both end up squealing for about 5 minutes and Astrid shows me what she brought in her bag. First, she pulls out a long red cardigan with a black long skirt. And when I say long, I mean up to her ankles long. Next, she pulls out a t-shirt that has a picture of glasses on them. Glasses! I look at her and back at the shirt and she seems to be getting the clue.

"What? It's fashionable!"

I raise my eyebrow at Astrid and grab her clothes and toss them aside.

"Hey! Put it back! That's what I'm wearing!!" Astrid argues.

"You're not wearing that." I say to her

"Why! They're cute!"

"Trust me, Astrid. There's a reason why I invited you early and that's because I want to give you a complete makeover!!" I squeal.

She looks at me and then starts shaking her head.

"No way! I don't need a makeover! I'm fine!!"

"Of course you are. You are so pretty but let's try something different tonight. I promise you that I will make you look good. Come on, you can trust me."

She looks at me and back at the clothes I tossed aside.

"Oh, alright. But nothing too dramatic! I don't want to look like a prostitute!"

I roll my eyes and laugh. If there's anything I would think of transforming Astrid into, a prostitute would be at the bottom of my list. However, I'm just glad she agreed to the whole makeover idea.

I squeal and tell Astrid to sit down in the chair in front of my vanity. My vanity has lights on the top and it really helps me see what I am doing. I grab my makeup bag and start applying some makeup on her face. I put nude eyeshadow on her eyelids and put foundation on her face. I then put some highlighter on her face and put some on her nose as well. I contour her face and fill in her eyebrows. I finish the look off with lip gloss and false lashes. I then take her hair and bring most of it to the side of her head to create a nice signature side braid. Her bangs are sticking out and I straighten them so that they look all nice and neat. After being done with makeup and hair, I head into my closet and take out a black scarf, a golden sparkly shirt with horizontal lines on them, a red maroon skirt and some stockings. I tell her to put the outfit on and she goes into the bathroom to change. I then give her some black heels to wear to add on to her stockings. When I'm finished with the look, I clap and squeal. She looks so good! I tell her to take a look at herself and she glances towards the mirror and starts smiling.

"Wow... I don't even know what to say. I look amazing."

"I know, right! I mean, Jesus. If I was Hiccup, I would be all over you!"

She rubs her wrists and looks away.

"I don't know, I still feel like I'm not good enough."

I touch her shoulder.

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