My Wild Side

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I woke up feeling hungry. My throat felt dry.
" Where am I?" I said while trying to sit up.
"You are in your room dear." It was my dad's voice. " Someone dropped you off at the doormat and ran away." He concluded. As I tried sitting down, all that came to mind was what had transpired between Sarah and I . Maybe I was drunk and nothing of such happened.
" Daddy, I am starving seriously. I need something to eat." My father rushed to get my sister as he got me a plate of oatmeal.
" You couldn't even microwave it a bit."
"If you didn't get yourself drunk, we wouldn't be here right now." He replied. He felt disappointed as he left the room leaving me with my younger sister.
"Oh shit!" I quickly remembered an assignment that was meant to be submitted the following week. I left it at Jane's place.
"I need to reach Jane, please get me my phone."
"You've been sleeping for two days. I thought you wouldn't wake up." My sister said.
“You wanted me dead?” I asked.
“No dear. You know what I mean.” Mariam replied. “Daddy brought his doctor to check on you yesterday. He said you'll be fine. Daddy will probably call him to come check on you soon.” she concluded.
I picked up my phone and called Jane.
“ Jane, what's up?” I asked.
“ I'm Fine. Haven't heard from you since the party.”
“Yeah. I've been down on something. I will give you the gist in school tomorrow.” I said as we exchanged greetings and ended the call.
Mariam helped me with almost everything I needed as if I was sick. I wasn't even Feeling sick, just tired and hungry even though I had eaten.
Daddy warned me not to attend parties since I always end up offending him. I agreed just to make him less angry. Arguing with him would be a waste of time.
“You have a visitor.” My Dad yelled.
“It's James. He has been coming to check on you since the day we found you at the door. The dude really likes you.” Mariam said.
“You should mind your business dear.” I said as I walked out of the room to join James in our living room.
“Hey dear.” he said as soon as he saw me coming. He rushed to give me a hug.
“Hey, you know my dad is around. Don't let him get the wrong impressions.” I said.
“ I'm just happy to see you in good health. Besides, the impression is not wrong. Is it?” he asked.
“Oh dear, you know what I mean. I'm happy to see you too.”
We had a wonderful conversation. The best we ever had since we started dating. I began to see how sweet James was and how kind he had been to me.
“Stephanie, don't you think it's okay to tell your dad about us?” he said.
“You know my dad and how well he loves me and Mariam. If he finds out now, he might end up hating you. Let's just wait till I'm older. Unless you have plans on leaving me now.” I said jokingly.
“No problem dear. So what really happened?” he asked.
“What do you mean?”
“You just left me there in the party without calling or texting me only for me to visit and hear that you've not been feeling fine.”
“Yeah. I can't explain either. I just don't really know what happened  but by the time I opened my eyes, I found myself in my room.”
“I hope Stephan didn't do anything to you?”
“Why would he?” I asked.
“He was the last person seen with you.”
“Oh no. James, you have to go now. I'll call you later.” I quickly rushed to the door to let him out.
After he left, I just sat down still wondering if what happened that day was real.
“You sent him away?” I raised my face up and it was Mariam.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“Nothing. You shouldn't have chased him out. You know he loves you.”
“I didn't send him out. He just had to go somewhere.”
“You know, I prefer him to Stephan.” Mariam said.
“What do you know about Stephan?” I asked not expecting an answer as I walked to my room. “I don't know much but I like James better.”
“Can you just stop? ” I said. I began to fill this anger boiling up inside me. Something I haven't felt before.
“ Hey Steph, what is happening to you.” Mariam said in a low voice. I looked at the mirror and saw a different face. My eyes looked dark and scary. I turned to look at Mariam again. She was scared a bit but then I could feel that she knew I won't hurt her. I suddenly dropped to the floor.
“I should go get daddy.” Mariam said as she ran out of the room. This was something only Sarah could explain because she was the only one I've seen  with that same look, but then, I remembered what she did and had to think of something else or someone. Suddenly, I remembered Stefan and the last moment I had with him before waking up on my bed. I quickly picked up my jacket and rushed out of the house. I had to go see Stefan. He was the only sensible person I could think of. I just hoped he could answer my questions.

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