Oddly she felt prepared for Sophie's interrogation... and volume this morning which she wasn't sure had ever happened before usually just the thought of Sophie put her in a bad mood before she even got out of the car. As she pushed open the door to Salvo's HQ it hit her like a brick

"MILLIE!!!!" screeched Sophie. Millie winced, the volume had reached a level Millie didn't know existed. She rolled her eyes at Sophie, Sophie shot her back an apologetic look, she knew how loud she could be and she was fully aware how much she annoyed Millie on occasion. Sophie was desperate for Millie to like her, she really looked up to Millie, she was everything she wished she was, secretly she was really jealous of everything about Millie, her looks, her career, her relationship with Ricco and now her celebrity boyfriend. To Sophie, Millie was perfect and had the perfect life.

"Hi Soph" replied Millie, stopping at her desk, something she rarely did! Most mornings she rushed through reception pretending to be in a hurry to avoid all interaction with Sophie, she was usually far more than Millie could deal with early in the mornings but today she was in a good enough mood to give her a few minutes. Sophie herself looked surprised by Millies attention.

"Millie! I've sent you like 100 texts and emails! You left on Tuesday before telling me about that magazine! Please tell me!!!" begged Sophie, desperate to know something!
"Have you got time to come up to my office for a few minutes" asked Millie. Sophie looked shocked! like she was about to explode with excitement.
"Yes, yes!! It's not 8am yet, I haven't got to switch the phones on for another 15 minutes" she shrieked. Millie knew she would have come whether she was meant to be on reception or not. There was no way Sophie was going to miss insider celebrity gossip! Sophie ran around to the front of her desk and followed Millie up the stairs, trailing behind like an excited new puppy waiting to be thrown a ball.

Millie opened the door to her second floor office and held it open for Sophie who bounded past her and sat herself down in the chair in the corner of the office. Millie peered out into the corridor to check no one was likely to come in anytime soon. The corridor was empty, the whole office was quiet, no one seemed to be in yet apart from Mr. Salvatore and his PA who she could hear arguing upstairs, a usual morning occurrence, Millie felt sorry for Kate his PA, a grumpy Italian was the last thing Millie wanted to deal with early in the mornings and Kate bore the brunt of it most days!

Millie closed the door to her design office. Sophie was practically bouncing in the chair in anticipation.
"Right Soph, if I tell you anything you have to promise you'll keep it to yourself, the press know enough already!!" Millie was fairly sure she could trust her, she felt like Sophie only wanted to know to feel important, she wasn't going to go to the press. Millie looked at her watch and thought for a moment.
"Hmm.. ten to eight" she mumbled to herself, trying to figure out the time in Copenhagen or Stockholm, she wasn't entirely sure where he was!
"Ok! Ready?" she asked Sophie, knowing she was about to make Sophie's day! Sophie nodded frantically, her bright red, perfectly round face was an even brighter shade of red than usual.

Millie pulled her phone out of her bag and pressed a few things, Sophie waited, wondering what Millie was going to show her. The facetime tone was loud and startled Millie, she rushed to turn it down. Staring at the screen she couldn't help but smile as 'Connecting..' displayed on the screen and there he was, a dark room behind him, he was led in bed, his dark hair stood out in it's sleepy mess between crisp white sheets. His eyes only partly open it was obvious she had woken him.

"Hey" he said, that American accent was even sexier when he was sleepy. With the phone facing away from her Sophie gasped, realizing from the voice who Millie had called.
"Hey baby! I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She asked, feeling a little bad.
"Yeah but it's fine, you can wake me anytime sweetie" he replied with a smile. Millie smiled back.
"But give me a minute to go outside, I'm on the bus and everyone's still asleep" he said
"Ok, sorry!" Replied Millie, she watched as he rustled around for a few moments, fumbling around to get off the bus.

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