Part 11

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"Sanem, you made a decision, and even though his broken and so are you this will be helpful.

"Yeah? How?"

"Well, be his friend, but show him that you love him, that you miss him. That yes, he disappointed you, but you trust him. You know as much as I do that he has at least a 2 month recovery. So, just do it. If you show him all of that, he leave." Sanem smiles, they both got up she hugged him and she started to walk towards her house.


A week later

Sanem knocks on the door, Emre who had moved with Leila to the house to help out their dad with Can opened the door.

"Morning" He said

"Morning, how is he?"

"His ok, still in bed, he should be getting up soon. his able to sit up now and walk on his own. Swolly but his able to do it on his own." Emre smiled

"She's here! She's here! Remember Can give her space, remember." He assured himself.

"Glad to know. Where is Leila?"

"She's in the bathroom"

"Ohhh, ok. Can I go and see him?"

"Yes, of course. Go right ahead." he said as he gesture with his arm for her to walk in.

She walked in his room, and sees Can trying to get up. She runs to him, standing in front of him stretching out her arms so she could help him get up and says "What are you doing? You should be in bed not standing up nor walking. Are you crazy!"

"Morning, to you too, Sanem. And yes I can do this on my own now, walk I just have to go slow. But I appreciate you helping me." He said as he got up and put some of his weight on her arms He put his head near her neck ",Allah, I missed that smell" he thought as he was getting his body straight. Sanem knew what he was doing and she turned her neck towards the left to give him more access and smiled at everything he was doing. "Allah, I love when he does that."

Can got up and said "I walked yesterday and I'm getting better and better. I still feel tired but I'll get there." he said in a soft but a little serious voice. They walked out of the room and into the living room, Sanem helped him sit down on the chair that's in the living room. While Emre just stood there watching them. Every single time she would come, him, Leila, or Aziz would back off, so they could have their space. And hope that Sanemgives in and forgives Can.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok. Like I said earlier, little by little, but I'll get there." he smiled

"Yes, you will. It's been three weeks, since what happened."

"Yes, I know. I'm very anxious to be back to myself, I need to stop depending on everyone, at least I'm able to shower, and walk on my own now"

Sanem dropped her face, Can noticed but kept calm

"Do you need anything?" she asked

"No, I'm ok. You go ahead and do your things, thank you for helping me." He smiled and she semi smiled back.

She gets up, and in a soft voice she says "ok, I'll see you later" he smiles back.

Sanem was walking towards the front door when she heard "Sanem." She was a little said that the voice that she heard wasn't Can's, instead it was Leila's. As Leila got closer to her sister she said "Morning, Abla". Sanem turned around and faced Leila, Leila saw Sanem was sad and walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Come one, lets go." Leila said looking at Sanem in the eye.

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