Part 16

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Author's note:

Hello everyone, we are coming to the end of this wonderful story! This is the second to last chapter.

Baby are you ok? Why are you crying, I'm so sorry if I hurt you,"

She turned her body to face him, cupped his face and said, you didn't, I'm just very happy for what just happened, I can't believe I finally let my urge for you to win. I finally let my desire for you, to win. I finally let you love me, and it couldn't have been better. I love you Can Divit and I want to be with you for the rest of my life I don't ever want to separate from you, ever again." 

"Ohhhh Sanem" Can said as he hugged her "I will never let go of you, I will never leave you alone, ever again. You are my love and what happen in the past year has been the worst I have ever lived, but I will live it again if these are the results." 

Sanem looked at him and said "Me too"  

They both went to sleep. The next morning came Sanem woke up and she could believe it was all true. She smiled, got up went to the bathroom grabbed his toothbrush brushed her teeth and came out into the living room, she looked everywhere and he was no were. She walked to the kitchen and found a note on the fridge that said "Went for a run, be back soon! Love you! Breakfast is in the fridge just put it in the microwave for 1 ½ and it will be ready 💖.)" She grabbed the piece of paper and hugged it. 

Sanem was eating breakfast when he arrived

"Good morning my love." 

"Good morning" she said smiling

"How do you feel? Can you walk, are you too sore?" 

"No, I'm ok" 

"Ok, l'm going to shower and I'll be back" 

"Ok" he kissed her and jumped in the shower. He came out, changed, and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. 

"Can, we have to tell my parents" Sanem said as she was getting up from her seat. 

"Yes, we do" 

"I know my parents forgave you and all, but they should know about us."

"Yeah, I know" he said stroking her face, she grabbed it and kissed it. Then  he kissed her, he separated the kiss and said "Allah, I can't get enough of you!" 

She smiled and said "me neither" and he smiled back. While Can finished eating Sanem went and change. When she came out Can looked at her surprised. 

"And where did that cloth came from?"

"Well, since I had this planned, I sneaked it in yesterday when I was fixing your bed."

"Wow!" He put his fork back down on the table. "Your a little devil," He said as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him and kissed her. He went to picked her up, but she was faster than him, she jumped back, and she almost fell but good this he caught her and sat her on his lap.

"You seriously want to end up in the hospital" she said

"But, I an fine." He said opening his arms "Look I even went for a run." 

"Running is not the same as carrying heavy things." Can looked at her, like saying your not heavy at all.

"Just because in 130 lbs doesn't mean I'm not a heavy" he kept looking at her "ok, fine, I may not be heavy for you, but for your surgery I am."

"Ok, I'll give you that one, he said as he pinched her cheek. 

She hugged him and said "Can, there's something I've been wanting to ask you. But, I don't know how?"

Confession (✅ #3) (6/15/19- 9-15/19)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ