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To say I was beyond nervous to be Chan's partner is spot on. My ass hurts from sitting so long in the wooden chair in the library and my legs feel numb. Chan seems comfortable as he reads some unknown book that I don't particularly give enough shit to read the title.

"Are you going to continuously stare at me cause I don't mind" Chan cheekily asks as his eyes lift from his book looking directly as my eyes as I pinch my leg from saying something rude to him. Though to be truthful Chan was one sexy guy, his white hair so interestingly decorated his face as his eyes seem deep and mischievous. Fuck why am I staring?

"N-No sor-ry I was just daydreaming" I lie to him. Chan buys my stuttering bullshit and looks back down at his book as a smirk tugs my lips but I shake it off. Bored out of my mind seeing as Chan doesn't seem to want to do anything productive right now I look around the library. My eyes wondering from one person to the next.

Soon one person in particular catches my eye as I stop and look at him. He sits causally on a wooden chair with a smoke in his hand as he stares at me. Yet again creepy as fuck. How is he even aloud to smoke in here? Hyunjin's stare doesn't let down and to keep from any suspicion growing I look away and back to my laid out papers in front of me.

This guy is the legit definition of creepy.


Mine and Chan's 'study' session finished with Chan telling me he had a date and he had to go. I sat there relieved from the stress of chan but Hyunjins stare never left. He continued puffing on his smoke and when he was done he lit another one. Packing my papers up I place them in my backpack and head out the library to make my way home. Yoongi is right, Hyunjin definitely does give off scary vibes.

But it's not like me and Hyunjin are BFF's or anything. So nothing really will happen with us as he's a popular scary guy and I'm the girl who does people assignments. Cliché shit like that don't happen in life, it's false and if it did happen it would be cause he pities me or some bullshit. Plus me and love don't go together, I've never felt love for anyone before without it being a slight crush or just me fan girling.

The day went by with classes, chatting with my friends and the underlining sick feeling that something was going to happen. Despite feeling this my smile remained and i continued to be the girl everyone wanted me to be. I planned a day out for me, Zima and Hima to a mall only if they weren't drunk. It was two in the afternoon but the shops closed near six so we had enough time.

"Okay first we're going to the food court than we'll make our way around" Hima states as she had tried dieting to thin down but it only lasted half an hour before she took my donut out of my hand and into her mouth. It shocked me and even she was shocked as she chewed it. My poor donut... anywho.

"Oh I forgot Yerhi is coming with her boyfriend. Apparently they are finally dating but she wanted to keep it a secret, I was too excited so act surprised when you see them okay?" Zima tells us as we nod.

Yerhi really does get anyone she wants.

"Hey girls" a voice calls as we turn around to find Yerhi holding Minho as she waves at us with her free hand. And sadly someone else was with them, fukcing Hyunjin. He
looked hot in his dark clothes and slightly messy hair.

"Your dating? I'm so happy for you" I tell her as she smiles widely.

"I'm sorry but it's alright if I brought a friend with, he was bored so he wanted to join" Minho asks yet doesn't seem to really expect a no as we just nod. Hyunjin looks at me more than I like as I try to avoid eye contact.

"Let's get some food before we start shopping" I say as we walk to the food court. Hima and Zima none stop giggling and talking and Yerhi flirting with minho who just stands there quietly.

Finally we get some food and start our shopping. I didn't really need anything from here but getting away from Yoongi seemed like a good idea. Hima was sitting on a bench with me as we ate our food as Zima, Yerhi and Minho walked in and out of shops.

Hyunjin was having a smoke outside since he finally got in trouble for lighting one by a security guard. Looking around the shopping centre in boredom I continue to stuff my face. Suddenly a familiar face catches my eye as I come in contact with Yoongi sold boss and his wife.

I only knew them since I happened to go snooping in Yoongi stuff and found a couple of photos some indecent but some okay. Yoongis boss looked like he was in some bad business but what could I expect from Yoongi.

"Sorry but I have to make a call to my boss about work" I lie to Hima who just nods as I get up and make sure I'm out of hearing distance but still in sight of yoongis boss.

"Yah you idiot, your boss and his wife are at the mall. I highly doubt they traveled this far for souvenirs" I tell Yoongi who groans.

"Shit make sure they don't see you, I may have not showed a picture of you to the wife. If they see you fucking run. Good luck don't die" he says as he hangs up. I warned him just so he could tell me that I'm the one who is in danger aswell. What a dick.

Walking back to Hima I make sure to hide my face from them as I take a seat next to her.

"Sorry but my boss told me they needed help working. I have to go tell the rest I said goodbye" I tell her as she pouts but nods. Getting up I slowly walk away trying to hide my face yet the tricky bastards saw me.

Recognition flaming their eyes as he starts chasing me. His wife not far behind. Shit I'm too young to die yet. Running quicker I head out the entrance only to be stopped by Hyunjin who grips my arm and pulls me closer to him.

"Look I got to go can you let me go?" I ask him angry that he stopped me, the guy chasing me getting closer.

"Trust me if you don't want to die" he simply says as he pushes me into another the men's toilets. He urges me into a stall as we wait silently. The guy enters knocking on each door and when he gets to mine I meet Hyunjin eyes.

I'm going to die with this asshole, just great.

"Who's in there?" The guy calls ready to bust down the door.

"Its occupied sorry" Hyunjin tells him as he walks away not thinking I was in the same stall. Hyunjin continues to stare at me, his gaze unreadable.

"Uh about that can you please not tell anyone?" I ask him with a small smile.

"I helped you what makes you think I'll tell anyone?" He asks rhetorically. Does he really think I believe he'd help me for no reason.

"Please don't it's kinda personal. Thank you for helping me" I tell him as he just nods. Dumbass I can't believe he caught you not with your real life. Moving to unlock the door he stops me and pushes me back to the wall shocking me with his sudden change.

"I feel like your hiding something under that smile" he tells me as he leans closer his face mere inches from mine. "You have a facade, it's intriguing" he tells me as he goes closer and kisses my cheek lightly.

This is very weird and confusing, I don't get this guy. I guess he really does have problems. Yet something about him makes me feel drawn to him, he isn't as scary as I first thought. But now I'm scaring me.

"Your my favourite now" he tells me as he leans back and opens the door. Walking away he doesn't bother looking back at me and I quickly leave the men's restroom.

Somehow my walk home feels like I'm being watched every second, my mind racing with fear and a bit of excitement.

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