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"Get the fuck out of my bed" I yelled angrily as I glared at Yoongi who had somehow tracked down my address. I walked in thinking I was going to have nice peace and quiet when I went to bed I was met with my asshole of a cousin. He laid asleep under my covers in my bed as I was on top of him choking him.

"You bitch, this is how you greet your cousin after three years" Yoongi asks as his face goes red from the lack of oxygen. He hits and kicks me from below, when I finally give up on killing him he sighs in relief as he doubles over and coughs. Shouldn't have taken my bed you fucker!

"Why are you here anyway, last time I spoke to you all you said was that your going to be a teacher at my university. Did you kill someone again? Are you on the run from a gang? Did you sleep with your bosses wife?" I ask him as he just glares at me in hurt as his face still lingers a lighter red.

"Why do you always think I did some horrible thing, can't I just visit you because I love you?" He asks and I just lift my eyebrows in a you serious look. "Fine I accidentally may have fucked my bosses wife. In all fairness we'd been doing it for awhile and she's hot" he simply said shrugs.


Just wow.

"You need to stay away from that guy" Yoongi abruptly says as I look at him confused.

"Who? Hyunjin?" I ask him as he sits up and looks straight in my eye. His face set into a cold dead look.

"He gives me the shivers, something just feels off" he says before falling down and as I wait for him to continue all I end up hearing is his snores signalling that he's asleep.

"Yah you dick don't just scare me like that and fucking sleep!" I yell as I start choking him again. Fucking dick goes back to sleep, asshole I swear I'll kill him!


When Yoongi finally awakes me and him find our way to the kitchen where we take seats facing each other. Yoongi never showed an emotion besides anger or tiredness. He was incredibly lazy looking but get him angry and you'll wish to have kept your mouth shut.

"So you got yourself a man yet?" Yoongi asks me as he keeps his eyes shut tight. "No" I simply and still sternly reply.

"Oh sorry sorry, do you have a girl yet?" He asks again this time earning a smack on the head from me. "No, I'm not into love, it's useless and time consuming and it can just go die" I say angry.

"This is about them isn't it?" He asks calmly, eyes opening slightly as he looks at me. My heart speeds up just at the thought of them. Love, Just isn't for someone like me.

"I have no clue who your referring to but you dare say them again and I won't hesitate to beat you to a pulp" I say as calmly as I can muster as I glare at Yoongi who just s rolls his eyes.

"Okay okay. Mihyun are you all good?" Yoongi asks as I my chest gets heavier with every second I sit with him. I don't hate Yoongi, I love him. He's kind, sweet and can be an ass but he's my family. My home. Sadly he knows my past and the fact he's stayed with me after knowing what's happened still confuses and scares me.

"Yeah, of course. I was actually planning on going shopping sometime this week with some girls" I say smiling a smile that holds nothing real, yet it's been plastered onto my face so many times it became my normal smile, everyone thinks it's real, and no one cares to dig deeper.

"Wait this wasn't even about me! Why did you say that about Hyunjin?" I ask him my voice raising more as I push the topic of the conversation from me to Yoongi as he just gulps and loosens his tie.

"Like I said before, he gives me the creeps. Are you friends with him?" He asks me as I make eye contact with him. Am I friends with him? Well I don't think so but he did sit in front of me without asking for my organs or to do his work. Plus he did bring me my stuff. Wait that's normal for anyone! Fuck my life is too crazy for me to handle nor for me to be able to differentiate normality from plain psychotic behaviour.

"No, he doesn't seem like the guy to make friends easily" I say honestly as Yoongi nods before glaring at me. His gaze glaring into my soul as his face turns red, he's going to start yelling again isn't he?

"Does that mean I'm going to have a niece or nephew anytime soon?!" He asks yelling, bingo I was right, his words making me blush at the sudden topic. Especially since it's about me and H-Hyunjin. No way am I ever doing that with him. I'm too young and he's too.....

Well scary...

Okay that wasn't nice but he gives off that vibe and I'd much prefer it if I didn't get that intimate with him that I'd be popping out kids. That makes me shudder just at the thought of it!

"Yah are you crazy?! He is just some guy that was sitting in front of me! Stop with your dirty thoughts" I tell him standing up as I go to the fridge to help my now dry throat. Yoongi mutters incoherent words that I don't bother questioning. Soon my kitchen is filled with an undeniable awkward silence that neither of us will end. One is because he knows I know him and the second is because he knows me. It's scary for us both.


Days went by with Yoongi and me acting as strangers at school and bickering like siblings at my home as he invaded my domain. The assignments were slowly making there way up as our classes where mixed with the seniors as their task was to help teach us individually what they learnt and we had to continue going through civil cases. We've been on civil cases for awhile since my assigned teacher was more for civil cases than criminal cases so.. yay. Honestly I want to go through some criminal cases and do a report on it, nothing like a a serial killing or pedophilia as the first was annoying and the second just made me pissed that someone could hurt a young kid in such a cruel and inhumane way.

I was once in a heated topic over if pedophiles should be aloud their own jail or if they deserved to be stuck in the normal one. Of course I wanted someone who could do such a thing like that to suffer so some killer who hated pedophiles happened to become a roommate with one and decided to rape him and maybe slit his throat I'd be just as pleased. Woah that turned dark. Anyway so I was for them sharing with other criminals but one girl in my class says that they are human beings so shouldn't they be treated as such.

You know what I said to her? I told her that no human being or even animal would do such a thing to a child so they should be treated as monsters and suffer. Honestly I nearly punched the chick but I couldn't cause if I even let my anger get the best of me I'll loose control and than I'd be discussing the topic in a prison cell with a chick who killed her family for not giving her more rice with her dinner.

Anyway to simply put it the past couple of days have been shit. My period came three days ago and Yoongi was made to run to the store to get me some tampons. Damn he chucked such a hissy fit when he got back. Apparently the clerk person was a super hot chick and she served him as he bought my tampons. He hates me so any fight we get into he brings up the topic of him missing out on sex cause he got me tampons. Fucking sook I swear.

Anyway I was assigned the senior who'd be my one on one 'teacher' for the week today. Guess who's name was next to mine, I'll give you a hint. He's tall, incredibly handsome, has an accent and seems like a kangaroo at times, as well as a bit cute a times and has quite a lot of muscles.

That's right.

Bang fucking Chan!

Damn I'm not sure what happened in this chapter but anywho. How's life!

Mines shit like always, but as I say:

"next life will be worry free as I'm going to be a jellyfish
so just keep being an antisocial, broke bitch who seems to always make situations awkwarder than awkward itself."

Anyway that's it for now so peace out from down under!



Facade | STRAY KIDS FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon