Before Annalys could react, Melisandre grabbed ahold of Annalys' face with one hand, staring into the girl's eyes, "Interesting," She muttered under her breath, looking almost shocked as she continued to stare deeply into Annalys' eyes, "I see a darkness in you, along with light. They battle one another constantly, torn between doing what is right and doing what you truly yearn to do. But in that darkness inside you, there are eyes staring back me. Brown eyes, green eyes, and blue eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever. I see the bodies of thousands, laying across an open field, all killed by your hand. I see a war on the verge of starting. One ensued by a decision you will make in the near future. You will make Kings rise and fall, Annalys Stark," She suddenly paused, a look of disbelief on her face as she realized who was standing before her, "That's impossible."

"What in the seven hells are you going on about?" Annalys asked, annoyance laced in her tone of voice as she had no clue what the woman spoke of.

If she had listened that day, it would have saved Annalys so much trouble.

Melisandre continued to stare at Annalys in shock. She couldn't be. She couldn't be the prince who was promised. Stannis was.

"We will meet again, Annalys Stark," She managed to speak up, her eyes still wide as she turned away from her before leaving.

Annalys frowned, a confused look on her face as Melisandre rode off with her men. She became even more confused as the men brought a horse-drawn cart with them, one that had a black-haired boy riding on it. She locked eyes with the boy, feeling as if she somehow knew him.

Annalys shook herself out of her thoughts and walked back to her horse. She climbed on before riding in the direction of where she knew the Brotherhood without Banners were.


Once arriving, Annalys found the Brotherhood without Banners standing before her. One of the men stood beside Arya, pointing a bow at Annalys. Arya looked much older than the last time Annalys had seen her. After all, it had been more than three years.

Annalys' face and hair were hidden behind her cloak and hood, meaning the men couldn't see who she was, "That's about far enough," The unknown man spoke up, pointing his notched arrow directly at Annalys.

Annalys smiled, slowly removing her cloak, "My lords," She politely greeted the men, despite knowing they were anything but lords, "I come here on behalf of King Robb Stark."

Thoros of Myr smiled slightly at the sight of Annalys, immediately recognizing the girl to be the famous Annalys Stark by the bow strapped to her back and her long golden hair, "Anguy, lower your bow," He spoke up as he looked up at Annalys, "This is Annalys Stark, Queen in the North."

The entire group seemed shocked, all but Thoros and Arya. Arya slowly walked closer to Annalys as she climbed off her horse. Annalys went into the bag she carried, taking two large cloth bags filled with Gold Dragons. Once she turned to face the men, Arya immediately leaped into Annalys' arms, hugging her tightly.

Out of the entire Stark family, Arya had been the one Annalys seemed to know the least. She had been Annalys and Jon's secret messenger, but they didn't speak much after that. Even Rickon knew Annalys better than Arya did.

However, Arya felt safe in Annalys' prescence after more than two years on her own without any family. Annalys was Robb's wife, which made her Arya's sister by marriage and also her queen. Arya immediately knew she could trust her.

Annalys smiled, hugging Arya back before turning toward the leaders of the Brotherhood Without Banners, "I've come here to discuss two matters," She informed the men in a calm tone, "I received a raven, claiming two of my husband's men are planning to betray him. Lord Walder Frey and Lord Roose Bolton. They are supposedly conspiring behind my husband's back with my grandfather," She paused, immediately noticing how the men looked interested in what she had to say after hearing the mention of Tywin.

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