The Power Within

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Normal POV :

Zen, the newest member whom has joined the Exorcist Training, and Lucy, the Okumura brother's elder sister. They had just met and it seemed like there are feelings developing in each other. And something within Lucy might bring the heat up... XD

Zen's POV : ( In the afternoon )

I was seriously embaressed when I first saw Lucy but managed to keep my calm, but it ended too soon!

If only I could've held it back just for a few more minutes, maybe everything could've been less awkward than before.

People always, and when I say always, I totally mean it!

Continuing, people always think I'm Cool~, Good Looking~ and Fabulous~ ( Don't worry, I didn't create a gay guy for Lucy ) and eventhough they're true.


No, I'm not weak, I can do things on my own.

( Sob...) I HAVE A FEAR OF.....girls.

But for some reason Lucy is fine, is it because I think of her as a guy? Yeah, that could be it... But she has long hair, how could I mistook her as a guy?

Well, just like they say, anything is possible. But I think that's not the point...

Arrgh! What the heck... Just let me think as I please... T_T 

" Zen-kun! Earth to Zen-kun!!!"

" I'm awake! I'm alive!!" I shouted as a respond while my eyes were still closed.

" I wasn't asking if you were alive but FYI, you slept in the MOST precious time in Exorcist Training!!!" I opened my tired eyes to see Lucy-chan shouting in front of my face.

"Why?" I asked her, I did hear what she said -_-

"We usually aren't allowed to do anything else while training and furthermore we already got to sleep in the night" a girl in purple hair and bushy eyebrows replied to me.

" Kyah!!!!!!!!" I screamed and yes guys DO scream, I'm not the only one who does.

" What the...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" she shouted back.

Lucy's POV :

"SHUT IT!!!" This scene seems familiar, as if it had already happened before.

" * Clears throat * Umm, we're going to have combat training for the beginners, and that's it..." This is the same phrase he used a few days ago... Can't he use something else?!

Too bad I can't do anything since he's my bro, a family...??? This sounds familiar too... Nevermind

Everyone followed Yukio to an open space full of weird caged creatures. REALLY weird ones I must say.

While we were waiting at some sort of balcony, Professor Neuhaus called for me and Zen-kun.

It was not unusual as we were both newbies to the training.

He led us to the danger zone that had the creatures in it.

He brought Zen-kun into somewhat a battle field and he released a one eyed greenish yet purplish creature with a long sticky tongue. It seemed like they were going to fight.

I have yet to see the ' Guy-who-is-scared-of-girls' try defeating a monster such as that. And yes, I know his secret...

*grin *

For the first time, I saw his face looking serious and stern.

He was getting ready to battle.

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