Fever and Partial Amnesia

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Normal POV :

Lucy has been introduced to some friends who were going to be in the same class as her. While having fun with some shippings ( just like Mira! ), she had forgotten about her friends back in Earthland in only in two days, it also shows how much she wanted to forget them...

Lucy's POV :

I woke up extra early in the morning, did some exercise, changed clothes, ate breakfast and brushed my teeth. I hadn't been so energetic since...

Hold on, this happened to me yesterday night also, am I forgetting something? All I remember is I was given birth secretly without anyone else knowing except mom and Satan.

Then I was given fake parents by Satan who were actually demons. Satan didn't have time to give the same thing to Rin and Yukio Nee-san cause some old guy with Mephisto adopted them. And now, I'm back to where I was actually from.

I don't think I'm forgetting anything else. Ugh, whatever let me just get back to my room.

While I was walking up the stairs, I saw another shocking scene! This time it wasn't Kamiki and Rin Nee-san but, it was Shiemi-chan and Rin! And he was blushing instead! Is this some love triangle in this Academy? I wonder who Shiemi-chan likes... * smirk *

" N-Nee-san?! " I was caught, Rin saw me hiding behind some furniture.

"Wh-What are you doing here!!!" he was embaressed, he was TOO easy to see through, MAN what a brother I have.

" I should be asking YOU that " I teased him.

" We were just talking!!" he stomped off back into his room angrily blushing furiously.

I giggled and turned to Shiemi-chan.

" So~ , what were you both talking about? "

" N-Nothing!! " She turned around to run away but accidentally hit into the wall and fell.

" Ouch, that gotta hurt " I made a face than laughed.

Ever since I came here, it's been an adventure. I made friends, who were all in different varieties, weird ones I must say. I giggled once again and brought Shiemi-chan to the infirmary.

I then got back to my dorm to see Kamiki just waking up eventhough everyone else was getting ready.

" Hey Kamiki! Class is getting started already you know!" I told her.

" W-What? I usually wake up earlier than everyone else! " she said while getting herself into her uniform.

" Hmm, I wonder. Was it because of last night? " I teased her.

" NO!!!!!!!!!" she yelled and ran to the class.

I stared at her as she slammed the door of the classroom with everyone yelling at her. I smiled and ran to the class too.

Kamiki's POV :

Lucy's so WRONG!

She's wrong in every single way!

There's no way I would like a low-life guy like Rin! ( Sorry Rin fans! I had to use this! Eventhough I'm a fan myself...)

Okay maybe he isn't like that, but why does Lucy say that!?

Do I really look like I like him?!

AHH!!! If only I had kept that handkerchief instead of giving it back!

No, it would be worse if I kept a guy's stuff. It would seem like I'm that type of girl who steal the things of the boy they like.

Those type of people are disgusting!

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