Chapter - 5 Hard Work

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Adagios -POV-

We Left Sonata At The Bakerant Whatever It's Called. Me And Aria Got Tired Of Walking We Saw A lot Of Places But We Forgot Something...

Adagio:You Know We Forgot Something


Adagio:That Sonata Wanted To Work At Bakerant Whatever. But We Didn't Know What Were Gonna Work It's Our Choices.

Aria:Well To Be Honest I Like To Work In A Clothes Shop. I'm Really Into Fashion Thingies

Adagio:Well I Do Love To Work In Pet Shop?


Adagio:What? I Do Love Pets I Had An Cat In Equestria And Now It's Gone...


Adagio:It's Ok Now Let's Start Searching

We Did Found A Pet Shop And Clothes Shop. The Best Thing Was Me And Aria Working Near Each Other And It's 5 Minutes Away From Sonatas Place



Adagio:Gonna Go Now

Aria:Me Too

Arias -POV

It Was A Really Nice Shop. Cute Clothes,Awesome,Cool Clothes Now Speak To The Manager.

Aria:Um Hello

Rarity:Why Hi There

Aria:What? You? My Manager? I'm Outta Here

Rarity: Ah Ah Ah Your Not Going Anywhere. Pinkie Told Me About You. You Guys Need A Job Right?

Aria:What How?

Rarity:Cell Phone.

Aria:That Pink Fur Ball. Fine I'm Gonna Work Here. So Who I'm Working With

Rarity:Me Only-

Sweetie Belle:*Screams* Rarity Isn't That The Monster You Beated

Aria:So Are You Scared Of Me Kido I'm Beaten I Can't Do Anything

Rarity:Anyways...Your Gonna Work With Me Only Me

Aria:Wait I Thought You Were A Manager

Rarity:And A Shop Keeper

Aria:Oh Bother...Anyways When I'm Start To Work

Rarity:Well Darling You See I Go To School So I'm Gonna Be Back At 5 And You Start Working From 8AM To 8PM

Aria:Well That's Good But-

Rarity:Here's A Key I Have 2 Keys For This Shop One For Me And One For You


Rarity:Ooooh Now I See A Customer Come On We Should Check What They Needed

Adagios -POV-

I Walked To The Shop It Was Pretty Clean And Cute Pets. But I Found One That I Kept Staring At It Looked Very Familiar To Mine In Equestria.

Fluttershy:Um Welcome

Adagio:Agh What? You Work Here? Who's The Manager?

Fluttershy:Um Me

Adagio:You've Got A Nice Shop Now Hehe I've Gotta Go And-

Fluttershy:No You Won't


Fluttershy:Pinkie And Rarity Texted Me Just Now You Guys Need A Job. Sonata Is Working Good. Aria Is Working Good Too So Why Don't You Work Too.

Adagio:They Did? Ok Then I'm Gonna Work Too

Fluttershy:Um I Saw You Staring At That Cat

Adagio:Oh That One. It's Looked The Same From Equest- I Mean Uh My Other Uh

Fluttershy:Don't Worry Twilight Told Us All About Equestria

Adagio:So That's Why It Reminds Me Of My Equestrian Cat. But Anyways What Should I Do?

Fluttershy:Um Just Clean Up The Pets Habitats And Feed Them I'm Gonna Help You Too


Sonatas -POV-

It's 8PM Now I'm Very Tired I Hope Aria And Adagio Find A Place To Work.Pinkie Did Get Back To Her Place At 5PM Because She Had School. Now Time To Go Home.

Pinkie:Wait Where Are You Going?


Pinkie:No Silly Before You Go Here Is 40 Dollars And Take This?

Sonata:*Gasp* Three Tacos Thanks So Much But How Did You Get Them?

Pinkie:My Friends Were Having Taco At School So I Told Them To Bring Extra 3 For You Guys.

Sonata:Thanks Pinkie Now Bye

Arias -POV-

Rarity Got Back Earlier. And I Finished Work So I Should Go Home.

Rarity:Wait Aria Darling Here Is 40 Dollar For Your Work And I Give You These Clothes As A Gift

Aria:Wow Those Are Cute Pajamas

Rarity:I'm Sure Your Friends Gonna Like It

Aria:Thanks Rarity Now I Should Go Bye

Adagios -POV-

Finally Finished Work. That Miss.Pets Got Back Late At 6PM But Anyways It Was Fun With The Pets.

Fluttershy:Um Adagio?

Adagio:(What Now?) Yes?

Fluttershy:I Like You To Adopt That Cat Um You Were Staring At This Morning Oh And Here Is 50 Dollars For Your Work.

Adagio:You Would Let Me Adopt It?

Fluttershy:Yes Since You Miss Your Pet From Equestria

Adagio:*Crying* Thanks Fluttershy That Means So Much To Me.

Fluttershy:*Hugs You* What Are Friends For?

Adagio:I Guess I'm Really Your Friend Now Thanks Now I Should Go

I Walked To Arias Work Place It Was Closed. So I Walked Home.At Home I Saw Sonata And Aria Were Laughing

Sonata:Oh You Are Here Ada- *Gasps* Is That Cookie Oh My Gosh

Aria:It Is Cookie How Did You Get Her She Was In Equestria.

Adagio:It's Not The Actual Cookie But I'm Gonna Name Her Cookie Also I've Got 50 Dollars What You Guys Got?

Aria:Ive Got 40 Dollars And Three Sleeping Pajamas For Us

Sonata:I've Got 40 Dollars Too And Three Tacos For Us

Adagio:Wow I Missed Eating Tacos

As We Finished Eating Tacos. We Were Sleeping With The New Pajamas Aria Got For Us It's So Soft And Relaxing And Cookie Sleeped Next To Me...

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