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Another Monday, another rough day. Darryl was currently in the school library, using his free period to help out the librarian's duties. Placing books in the correct places on the shelves, giving overdue papers to teachers, organizing the book series and other things.

Darryl enjoyed the peace and quiet of the place, kneeling on the floor to slide a book into the place it belonged. "Hey..." The solemn murmur filled the silence, making the nerd turn his head to see the familiar face of the black haired boy.

"Oh, hi Zak," Darryl greeted softly, wondering if the boy was still fragile from what happened the previous weekend. Kids had been talking about the situation all day, whispering to one another and glancing in Skeppy's direction. But as soon as the baseball kid got close enough to hear, most students would just awkwardly pause their conversation and look the other way.

Zak bit his lip nervously, staring at the kind boy in front of him. "Uhm, I'm sorry about the way I reacted on Saturday," He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was just heated in the moment. Can we uh... can we still be friends?"

Darryl gave the popular kid a smile. "Yeah, I suppose we can still be friends." Zak flashed the nerd a contagious grin, causing the older's smile to grow. "Do you want to come over to my house after school today? I have a pretty awesome gaming system," Darryl offered.

Skeppy nodded. "Yeah, that sounds fun. Could you give me a ride after practice?" He asked, since he wasn't old enough to drive yet.

"Yeah, that can be arranged. I have to spend some time with Vincent after school today anyways, studying and stuff. I can do that while you're at practice," Darryl explained.

"Vincent?" Zak questioned, tilting his head like a confused puppy.

BBH couldn't help but smile at his cute face. "Oh, he's a friend of mine. He's one of foreign exchange students," He informed the younger. "You'd like him, he likes to joke around like you."

Skeppy raised his eyebrows. "I look forward to meeting him," He replied in a cheerful voice.

The boy's overly happy attitude somehow reminded Darryl that this kid was not going through a happy time. "How are things with you and Zelk? And Finn?" The senior asked the sophomore.

Zak bit the inside of his cheek. "Well, Zelk is being distant with me, and I've been avoiding Finn. So not so hot. Techno's been on my side, trying to help Zelk understand my point of view in this whole... situation." The boy sighed. "My least favorite thing about high school is the drama, especially when it's about me."

Darryl let out a chuckle. "Don't worry, it'll blow over eventually. Nothing lasts forever."

Zak furrowed his eyebrows with a frown. "I don't like that saying," He told the smarter one.

Bad pushed more books into place on the shelf. "Oh? Why is that?"

Skeppy sighed. "I don't know... it's just sad. That's all."

"It all depends on how you look at it," Darryl pointed out. "Everything ends eventually, it matters if you choose to look at it with positive eyes or negative eyes."

Zak shook his head. "How can you look at a dog's life ending in positive eyes?" He asked as an example.

BadBoyHalo shrugged. "Well, are you going to be sad that the dog lost it's life, or will you be happy that the dog lived a happy life and now will live the rest of it's days in peace?"

"That's so messed up."

"It's how you look at it."

"I guess so."

Darryl pushed the last book into place, standing up and dusting off his hands. He turned to the younger boy. "Don't you have a class to attend?" He interrogated, wondering why the boy was in the library and not where he was supposed to be.

Zak groaned. "I hate class," He complained. "School is dumb."

Bad sighed. "School is not dumb, it gives you a future." Suddenly a familiar smell washed over him now that he was near Zak. He narrowed his eyes, studying the hoodie that the boy was wearing. He noticed that it was slightly baggy on the kid's smaller body. "Hey, is that my hoodie?"

Zak's face heated up with embarrassment, rubbing the back of his head. "Uhh... I gotta get to class! You know... giving me a future and whatever!" He exclaimed out of no where, speed walking away from the conversation.

Darryl chuckled, shaking his head as he walked back to the library desk to receive more duties.

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