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Darryl seated himself at his usual table during lunch. His friend, Vincent, sitting across from him. The kid was a foreign exchange student, a teen that is temporarily living in the U.S. and going to the high school to learn English. Vincent, originally from France, was actually pretty good at English, so there mostly wasn't any problems with their communications.

Darryl glanced around the lunch room, his eyes searching for the black haired boy that had his library pass. He was nervous, worried about getting caught and sent to the office. He knew getting a detention would completely ruin his reputation, since he was a perfect student which looked great on college applications.

"What is wrong, Darryl?" Vincent's voice had a French ting to it. Darryl was used to it, in fact it could be quite calming.

The brown haired nerd bit the inside of his cheek, rubbing the back of his head. "N-nothing," He assured his friend, taking out the lunch he packed for himself.

"BadBoyHalo!" Darryl jumped, turning to see Skeppy standing right behind him. He had his familiar cheeky smile plastered on his face, with his blue hood pulled up even though it wasn't allowed. "I believe I have something that is yours." He held out the pass for him to take.

Darryl reached up to grab it, but suddenly it was snatched away from his reach. Zak busted out into a fit of giggles, causing BadBoyHalo to smile at his childish joy. Skeppy held the pass out once more, letting the dork grab it this time.

"SKEPPY!" Everyone in the lunch room heard the angry yell from down the hallway. Heads turned, only to realize that it was Zelk storming towards the baseball boy with a furious gaze.

"I.... I gotta go!" Skeppy exclaimed to the two, before taking off down the other hallway. You could hear his loud and joyous laugh echoing throughout the school as he ran away from Zelk.

"Why would you do that?" Vincent asked Darryl innocently, gesturing to the pass that Skeppy had given him.

BadBoyHalo just simply shrugged. "He promised he wouldn't snitch on me. Plus, I don't want a prankster like him to dislike me. That'd just be the worst news ever."

Vincent nodded with understanding. "Yeah, but he seems to play tricks on his friends too," He pointed out in return, nodding towards where Zelk had once been chasing the jokester. "Plus.. I heard he lives in a bad neighborhood."

Darryl narrowed his eyes, giving his friend a look of confusion. "Okay, yeah, he plays jokes on people. But he's never actually done anything to harm anyone," He assured the French boy. "Living in a bad neighborhood doesn't make you a bad person."

"I know, but look at Dustin," Vincent pointed out, his French accent popping out more since he was slightly annoyed. "He's from bad area, he's bad kid!"

Bad just simply shrugged. "Whatever Vincent. I don't think he's that terrible. I think you might just be a little jealous."

Vincent's eyes widened. "Jealous?" He replied in an astonished tone.

"Yeah, y'know, since I'm friends with a popular kid now. You don't want me to start being friends with someone else," Darryl explained to the foreign student.

Vincent shook his head. "You do not understand me, he lives by Westwood Park." Darryl instantly covered his mouth at what the French boy had told him.

Westwood Park was a tiny playground that was well known in the North West High School District. Students often went there to mess around, since the neighborhood was well known for being very loose. For example, if you started screaming at the top of your lungs at a public park, you'd probably get the cops called on you. But if you did that at Westwood Park, no one would care.

That doesn't mean it's a good neighborhood, that actually means the opposite.

Although kids enjoy hanging out at the park, nobody likes the neighborhood itself. Filled with druggies, late night parties, illegal fireworks, drunk guys on the streets, broken street lights and cracked sidewalks. Not to mention the people that live there are either crackheads, high 24/7, screaming at their own spouse or stealing a vehicle.

That's another reason why students like to go to Westwood Park. The adrenaline rush. Knowing it's a dangerous neighborhood is exciting for them. The thought of being able to get away with anything was like a high to some kids, especially those who grew up with strict parents.

"Are you serious?" Darryl asked his friend, not quite sure if he believed him. Zak was a popular boy, there's no way he could grow up in the Westwood Park area, that would just be ridiculous.

"One hundred percent," Vincent replied, crossing his arms. "I do not trust Skeppy. I do not care what you say, he is not good."

BadBoyHalo pouted, running his fingers through his hair with a sigh. "I guess you're right, Vincent. I should've known better than to give my pass to some Westwood kid. I won't do something as stupid as that ever again."

The French boy smiled. "Thank you, now I'm going to buy some food. Come?"

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