Part Three-I Will Always Try (Shawn)

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Date; 08/12/2019

"Alex" I say while I'm laying down with her. All-day we've been laying in bed, after we put on pajamas of course, and just talking. I am not one for emotions, not at all. But this girl, this girl could make it all change. I looked at her for the first time when she got on the tour bus and saw a whole new life. With her, I would have a reason to stop being a drug dealer, or, as she calls it, a drug distributor. I could see us together for a long time. 

"Mmmm" She makes a noise and looks over at me

"Do you think about the fact that drugs are the main and only reason we know each other, at least, right now?" I ask

"No, I just think about what I'm doing right now" She says with a sweet smile. Her eyes are perfect and full of love, filled with pain, filled with emotion, filled with everything I don't have, and never will. She is beautiful in every way possible.

"And what are you doing right now?" I ask smiling down at her

"Laying with you, thinking about the game of 20 questions we just had, which, by the way, was way more than just 20 questions" She says and smiles. I smile back and her and look up at the ceiling "Thinking about how drugs almost ruined my life, but, somehow saved it at the same time" she says and shifts. I can tell she's upset

"What's wrong Sunshine" I ask

"Nothing" She says 

"Don't lie to me" I say and she smiles, now we're both looking at each other

"I just think it's weird. When I started distributing drugs, I didn't want to. I didn't want to at all. Then, after a while, the money started to factor in and I loved it. I only started to distribute them after my parents died. I needed money for there funeral but I wound up with way more money then I needed. I thought it wouldn't hurt if I distributed a few more, just to keep myself well off until I found a job. That never happened. I distributed for over four and a half months until I got caught a week and a half ago. I probably would still be doing it if I didn't get caught" she says, you can see she's about to cry

"Listen, I know how you feel to an extent. I know about the money and all of that. It's not something most people want to do. I know, but hey, you have me now" I say "And the other boys"

"I know, but I always try so hard to make everything better. I always had no friends except my best friend, Nick. I tried so hard to be good for him, he was the best influence. We got into a fight around the time my parents died" She says 

"Why?" I ask

"There was a boy who I liked that I thought also liked me. Nick said if he really liked me he would try to be with me after Nick talked to him. I later found out Nick threatened him and he didn't want to talk to me anymore. Nick was right, if he really liked me he would have kept trying" She says and gives a weak smile

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, if I met this Nick and he does that, I will always try" I say and she smiles a little more 

"Thank you" She says 

"Don't thank me" I say pulling her closer to me "Would you like something to eat" I ask

"Wendy's" She says "Wait, no nevermind" she then says as she realizes we're on a moving tour bus. We both laugh for a second then I get up after kissing her forehead 

"I can make pancakes" I say

"Do we have something pre-made? Like muffins or something? I LOVE muffins" She says and I stare at her in awe "What" She asks looking back at me

"I love muffins, we have plenty of muffins and plenty of flavors. You're perfect. Chocolate okay?" I ask and she nods "Warm" She nods again "God, you're the most amazing person" I say and walk out to get muffins

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