Part One-The Deal (Amber)

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Date; 08/01/2019

"Amber Lewis" Someone says as they walk into the room they are holding me in "We have come to a decision about your sentence. We are prepared to offer you a deal or an exchange for your freedom" He says looking down at me because I am still sitting down in the chair. 

"What is this deal?" I question, not yet standing up.

"It has been discovered you can sing, rap, and act quite well. We are not at liberty to disclose how we got this information, however, we think it would be beneficial if you used those talents" He says while putting a contract down on the table "Read through this, then ring the buzzer when you've made your decision. Remember though, it's this or Prison time" He says then leaves the room. 

Exchange of Parden for Amber Lewis if the following requirements are met;

1-Immediate termination of distributing drugs (*Note; Amber has never used drugs, only sold them. No need for the termination of drug use*)

2-Take part in the 'Magcon Reunion And Relaunch Tour'

3-68% of all paychecks, sales, and income given to government (before taxes) until the probation period is fully served

4-Keep this confidential, any and all information released will be tried as treason to the United States Government and punished accordingly

5-Tracker and/or Location on the cellular device given must be turned on at all times unless given permission otherwise 

6-Partake in all tour activities as if it were your own tour, look like you're having fun

7-Government control of public platforms (Instagram, Facebook, exc.)

8-Government monitored communication (Text Messages, Phone Calls, exc.)

I read it over again and ring the buzzer.

"Have you come to a conclusion?" He asks

"I will sign it, however, I want to pick who is on the same tour bus as myself" I say

"Deal, there are 6 buses and 12 of you, take your pick" He says placing down a list of others on the tour

"Shawn Mendes" I say

"Sign here please" He points and I sign the space that has my name written under it "Mrs. Amber Lewis, welcome to the Magcon Reunion And Relaunch Tour" he says. I now stand up and shake his hand, smirking.

Secrets Secrets, They're No Fun, Unless You're With MagconBy: Alex LewisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum