Sorry I

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The sound of the door slamming made him sigh.

He knew he was wrong for behaving this way. It was rare for his wife to be mad,and when she does, it meant that he did something very wrong.

He went to their bedroom's door and opened it,peering out to locate his wife.

He couldn't see her,but he could sense that she was downstairs. He let out another sigh and closed the bedroom door. He returned to his bedroom and sat on the king-sized bed,staring into the distance.

He recalled back the argument they had just now.

Everything was fine. Yaya and him were having their rare holidays and returned to their double-storey home in Pulau Rintis. They were chilling and chatting,talking about random things that made them laugh and teased each other.  To a point,they chased each other around in their spacious bedroom and tackled one another. Their laugh filled the room in the morning. That is, until Yaya popped up a question.

"Boboiboy, don't you want to have kids?"

The question stumped him. It was one of the topics that he really didn't like talking about.
He responded with a shrug, hoping that his wife would change the topic.

He was surprised with her response. Yaya let out a fake a laugh and continued with a stern voice.

"Darling,I'm serious"

He faked a cough and took a deep breath. "Yaya, I would but considering our work at TAPOPS and the risk of our mission,I don't think we have time to think about kids"

"Fine, I know that we're busy. But then,when are we going to try? Mission won't stop coming. We're getting older by the day. We're almost reaching 30 for God sake" she said with glaring eyes.

He knew she really wanted kids. She brought it up multiple times before. Usually, he brushed it off and changed the topic. He wasn't ready for kids.

"Honey, I know. But,not now." He stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist. He put his chin on her head,locking her in his embrace.

Yaya pushed her husband away and pulled out of his reach.
" No! You've been dodging this question for years. I'm sick of taking those pills and your ignorance. When will you stop being selfish?"

Boboiboy looked at her in the eyes. " I am not selfish, dear. I'm just doing what I think is best for us"

Yaya retorted with a huff.
"Well I think that what you think is wrong. Delaying our kids will be too late. When are we gonna try? When we're 40? I can't guarantee that my body will be strong enough to conceive a child by them. Heck! I probably can't get pregnant by then. You do realise how dangerous our mission usually gets. I lose count how many times was I attacked.  By 40, my body is probably too damaged and old to carry around a life for nine months"

Boboiboy ran a hand through his hair frustratingly. "Why do you want kids so much?"

He watched as her face fell. His heart broke as he realised her tears were threatening to escape but she's trying to hold it back.

"I want to be pregnant with a little you and me because I want to build a family of our own. I want to know that I've achieved my dreams of becoming a mother to your children. I wanna show how much I love you by willingly sacrifice myself for you. I want my life to complete before I die one day. At least I could look back and smile at seeing how far we've become. How our children will be happy to know how much their parents love them."

Tears were trailing down her cheeks and Boboiboy felt his heart shattered with guilt. He was overwhelmed with his wife's pure intentions. He moved closer to wrap himself around her,wanting to channel his admiration to his wife. However, he was taken aback when she retreated away from him.

"If you don't share these dreams with me, I guess you have a problem with your priorities" with that,she turned around and slammed the door, leaving Boboiboy dumbfounded.

Now,all he wanted to do was go to his wife and beg for her forgiveness.

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