The world shall know pain part 14

Start from the beginning

"What's that?" I ask curiously as I go for the cupboard. I was honestly more interested in what was in the cupboard, as I opened it I saw lots of food and I started to get excited.

"My art, un" He eventually says as the small clay bird in his palm now flies up into the air and begins to do circles.

"My Art is fleeting, a quick flash of sublime beauty. My art is.." He continues as he puts his hands together "An explosion!" He exclaims over passionately.

The little clay bird that was doing circles suddenly explodes, It was only a small explosion but enough to get my attention...

"It is beautiful," I say looking back at him for a second, he just smirks so I go back to pulling out some fruit and sit down next to him. I peer down at his hands and then notice that his hands have mouths on them and that the clay was being chewed by them, this must be some kind of Kekke Genkai. I take a bite of my apple. Deidara must have been the one who blew up Sasuke.

"Deidara, did you kill Sasuke?" I ask casually, it came out a little more casually than I'd anticipated actually, I must have sounded so cocky oops.

"Oh, that guy you were with huh? He will be fine, It wasn't a direct hit unfortunately but it was enough to knock him unconscious haha" He looks over to me with a massive smirk on his face.

This guy is so destructive I think to myself as I slowly edge away from him in my chair...

I start to peel my banana, I take a bite and chew slowly, then, notice that something green is emerging out of the ground directly in my line of sight which is just in front of the fridge... Does it look like a Venus flytrap? I keep watching it as it completely rises and the flytrap opens... My mouth falls open and some half-chewed Banana falls onto my lap as I see a black and a white face looking straight at me...

"So your Tila?" The white side of the face says. "Leader wants to see you now" The black side then says.

By this point, I'm feeling pretty confused. "Wait what..? You're a plant that talks?" I say looking up and down again then I discretely brush off the half-chewed food on my lap before anyone notices.

"I'm Zetsu, pleasure to meet you," The white side says. "Yeah I talk, I eat annoying girls like you too. got a problem??" The black side says.

Okay well, this is odd even for me, "Wait, Leader wants to see me?" I say focusing back on what was important. "Follow me," Zetsu starts walking towards the doorway so I get up quickly and follow him.

"Tila, I'll come to get you after your done, un" Deidara calls after me as we exit the room "Yeah okay" I call back to him before hurrying to catch up with Zetsu. I follow his as we walk down another twisted corridor until we eventually approach the last door at the end of the hall, he knocks and then waits for a moment.

"Come in" Leaders deep voice echoes from behind the door, Zetsu opens up the door and steps in. I follow in behind him and he shuts it, I take a step forward and approach the desk in which Leader is sitting behind.

"Take a seat Tila, Zetsu you can go," His heavy gaze fixes on me steadily. I pull out the deep mahogany coloured chair and sit. Zetsu melts away conspicuously back through the closed door and Leader and I are left alone face to face, his stare still intently on me.

When we had last encountered I had noticed that his eyes were different somehow but now that I can investigate more closely - my memory jolts. I had been told folk tales as a child of such eyes... It was known as the Rennigon.

"Now, I'm sure you remember the last conversation we had?" The stare he was giving me softened ever so slightly.

"Yes, I do" The nervousness evident in my voice, "You told me that you wanted to do something greater for this Shinobi world. I don't understand how you intend to do this or why you need me but...".

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