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It was during a fit of restlessness and boredom at the shop that Berwald had finally gotten an idea for his evening with Timo. He didn't want to show him the city this time around; it had been too nice to ignore the natural landscape just beyond. Besides, he was far more comfortable in the country and had less of a chance to mess things up. Timo wouldn't have to know how uncomfortable he often was since there was enough room for them in the countryside to comfortably be apart.

But things hadn't been so bad lately. Yes, he was still on edge whenever he was in Timo's company, but it wasn't the usual fear in the back of his mind, the small voice asking what if he got someone killed today. No, this was a different feeling, one he couldn't entirely describe.

It was almost the same thrill when something exciting happened, only this was a nervous thrill. His heart would flutter, and for the first time since he was an adolescent, he worried his voice would crack or give out when he was in the middle of talking.

This thrill never happened when he was with Lukas or Matthias, no. It only seemed to happen when Timo was around, which really annoyed Berwald, because he was one of the last people that he thought should have to witness something that embarrassing.

Seemingly determined not to get any more work done before the evening, Berwald straightened up and rubbed his eyes before leaning back against his chair and glancing outside. There had been rain a little before noon, but it looked like a few hours had passed since the rain stopped. It would probably be dry enough for a trip out of the city, and it would be nice and cool.

It wouldn't be useful to get ready now, though. Not very. Berwald was supposed to wait for Timo, since the Finn couldn't go until Lukas said he was finished for the night. Not that the innkeeper was too strict, but it made sense for Berwald to wait since he decided how long he'd work every day.

Still, he wanted to look nice, and he didn't care much about current fashion trends so it would probably take some time for him to come up with something sharp.

With a mild scowl on his face, Berwald scribbled a quick note saying he'd be upstairs if Timo was there that early before tucking the note in a noticeable place in the window and going upstairs to his living quarters to see what he could find. There should've been something special, even if he never had any reason to dress up.

And at last he found something that he could use. It wasn't much, but he found a dark grey vest that he usually saved for cooler weather. To go along with it, he found an old shirt which was cut differently from the ones he usually wore. He doubted Timo would see any of this since he wouldn't take off his coat unless he had to, but at least he would know that he attempted to look nice for the Finn.

There wasn't anything special he could add to give Timo any indication that he'd tried to look more than presentable. Not that it really mattered. This was an evening where Berwald was supposed to give a foreigner a good impression of his country. Nothing more, even if Timo was probably closer to a friend than a complete stranger.

Convincing himself he looked fine, Berwald trudged downstairs and removed his note before opening up his shop again, but as he opened the door, he thought he heard something. He stepped out and looked around, where he knew for certain he heard a giggle.

It didn't rest easy with him. He liked knowing where the people around him were, so he cautiously followed the source of the sound until he could see Timo peeking out from behind the door.

"Hello! I take it you're all ready now, right? I saw the letter in the window," the Finn chimed as he stepped out, revealing his white outfit accented with lavender and turquoise. It suited him well.

Noticing Berwald's stern gaze looking him over, Timo smiled and gave a spin. "Do you like it? I told Mister Bondevik about tonight and he lent me this since he says he never wears it."

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