Chapter 3

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When we arrived, Hestia immediately steered me to the group of silver tents that sat in the open area. "Stuck close to me." Hestia mumbled. "The girls here don't exactly take a liking to men, especially men who don't look too... well...."

"Human? No need to be polite about it. I'm quite used to all the insults by now."

Hestia looked slightly guilty as she turned away. I didn't mean to make her feel bad. Honestly. But in a way it felt nice to have someone feel bad for saying something that one could find insulting.

I did as she instructed and stuck close to her as we entered the camp. What hit me first was the fact that everyone we passed where practically children. The youngest looking to be about seven while the oldest where probably preteen or teens. They where all female, though when Hestia mentioned that they all hated males, I assumed as much. They bowed respectfully to the goddess as she walked by, and glared at me as I walked by. She wasn't lying about them hating guys. I could practically feel their resentment radiating off them.

Then finally, we reached the last tent. There, we where stopped by a black haired girl with brown eyes and a slightly upturned nose who had just come out of the tent. She, like the other girls we had passed, wore silver clothing that looked unfamiliar to me and a silver bow and quiver upon her back. The only difference was that she also wore a silver tiara upon her brow.

"Lady Artemis wishes to not be disturbed." She said.

"Perhaps she can make an exception for her dear old aunt?" Hestia stated sweetly, a warm smile upon her face.

"Perhaps for thee, but what about... whatever that is?" She asked. She stared me up and down, her eyes lingering curiously upon my own. "Dost though have... cat's eyes?"

I barely flinched, after all, I've heard worse. "Yes."

"He's from a different world, and is a child of Poseidon. Please, Artemis is expecting us." Hestia cut in.

"Fine, as long as the lady is expecting thee. Head on inside."

And so they did, and I was in awe at what my eyes beheld.

It was warm and comfortable (the warmth probably being from the burning, golden brazier in the center of the tent), with silk rugs and pillows covering the floor. Behind the auburn haired girl, was a display stand made of polished oak. Restraining upon it was the most beautiful silver bow I've ever seen. It was a silver that seemed to glow like the moon, and crafted to mimic gazelle horns. The walls where lined with animal pelts of all kinds, familiar and not.

Yet, something drew my attention back to the auburn haired girl before him. And it wasn't the live deer with glittering fur and silver horns who rested with it's head contently upon her lap. No, it had to do with how my medallion trembled in her presence. Just like it did with Hestia. Another goddess then?

"Ah! There you are aunt Hestia!" The new goddess exclaimed as she jumped up and hugged Hestia. "I was just about finished here."

That's when I turned and noticed that the goddess was not alone.

There where two others in this tent, a girl and a boy. The girl had dark hair and eyes while the boy had black hair and sea green eyes. I cocked my head at the boy, there was something familiar about him, something that reminded me if myself.

"So, who's this?" Artemis asked as she indicated towards me. I tore my eyes from the boy and rested them upon the auburn haired goddess's eyes.

"My name is Perseus of Vengerberg. Or Percy if that suits you milady." I replies with a respectful bow.

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