Chapter Nineteen: Forgiving

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"George my man, that was a great debate!" Corey clapped him on the back as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, it took me almost three weeks to right up so I'd hope so." He laughed and gave me a small discreet wink. I'd already read his speech drafts at least five times to check for errors.

"Nah, the speech was great sure but it was the way you answered the questions that was most impressive. You made every stat the opposition put forward seem incorrect."

"Seem incorrect? I think you mean they were incorrect." George teased and smiled warmly at Corey.

I noticed that this was the first time George wasn't shying away from praise.

"Ha! I think you convinced the entire room. What did you think Cass?"

I smiled at Corey and avoided George's gaze.

"It was really good." I complimented.

Good was an understatement. His performance was darn right brilliant. Like politician in the making brilliant. I had this warm feeling inside my chest that was the same as when I watched Abi kill her dance at a competition.

"Anyway, we'd better go we have maths now." George said halting outside the debate hall and lingering closer to me.

"Lucky you. I shall be taking up my lonely spot in the library with my enormous book on the Russian Rev." Corey sighed dramatically and both George and I laughed.

"Come on." George said to me only. He went to put his arm around me but I shrugged out of it, annoyed at how public his affection was.

We'd just established the new boundaries of our friendship and he does that.


As we started towards the maths department, me a few paces ahead to avoid states, I snuck a look back at Corey and he was looking at me strangely. It was as if he'd never met me before.

Fucking George. Maybe Corey thought we were a couple by his attempt to put his arm around me. That was the last thing I needed, my friends having suspicions. Especially when they were not remotely true. 

And to make everything worse Corey then winked at me.

Fucking bastard.

This was the worst situation. All previous feelings of pride had now vanished and were replaced by the same distance and irritation I'd felt last week in the aftermath of the kiss. I'd forgiven George easily and now he was ruining it.

Once we were sat down in maths I began the silent treatment. It didn't take George long to catch on.

"What have I done now?" He asked, a little gruff.

I didn't reply.

"For fuck sakes was it because of the wink? Because I made sure Corey wasn't looking and I thought you'd find it funny."

"It wasn't because of your wink!" I whisper shouted as Miss Long began her lesson. I took out my books and began taking notes as a signal.

"Then what?"

I gave him silence again. I felt petty and mean but it couldn't help the embarrassment and irritation I felt after that encounter with Corey.

Avoiding his eyes were key, they could just see right through me.

"Look," He began, a little softer now, as if appeasing me. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry and I didn't mean to make you upset. Maybe we can talk about it tonight?"

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