soobin: "She won't be able to fly all the way out here for a dance. Her schedule is packed."

y/n: "I'm sorry."

soobin: "It's okay. We haven't really been to a dance together in awhile."

y/n: "Is it hard to be in a long distance relationship?"

soobin: "Extremely."

y/n: "Do you... do you miss her?"

soobin: "Yes."

y/n: "...don't worry. High school is almost over. You guys will get to see each other soon."

soobin: "That's exactly what she said the other day. Are you gonna tell me to be excited about the future, too?"

y/n: "Excited about the future? Oh god, no, I'm scared out of my mind."

soobin: "Me too! There's so much to think about. It feels like they expect us to know what we want to be right now and I don't even know what to wear to school tomorrow."

y/n: "Exactly. There's so much pressure senior year. It's the worst. But you know what my dad always told me?"

soobin: "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game?" 

y/n: (laughs) "Clever, but no. He told me that the only thing that's permanent in this world is change."

soobin: "Wow... your dad is a smart man."

y/n: "He really is."

soobin: "What's the best piece of advice you've gotten from your mom?"

y/n: "Come home now."


y/n: "I'm kidding."

soobin: "Are you, though?"

y/n: (sighs) "I don't know. My mom and I don't really get along that well, especially the older I get. She's too controlling. If I'm going somewhere, she'll guilt trip me about it. It's why I don't stay out too late with you guys."

soobin: "Maybe she's just really concerned about you."

y/n: "Sometimes I wonder if she's concerned about me or concerned about constantly being right. She'll say or do anything to have the upper hand in a situation. It's getting tough for me."

soobin: "Just keep your chin up. I know it must suck to always have her on your case but think of it this way: at least you know you have a voice inside of you that's keeping you going. You're not letting her voice become yours."

y/n: "I know... you're honestly right. Thanks." (laughs) "Who knew there was so much wisdom in that head of yours?"

soobin: "I'll have you know that I'm a straight A student. Same at my last school."

y/n: "All hail Soobin."

soobin: "Smart and athletic. I'm practically the entire package."

y/n: "Okay, take it easy."

soobin: "I thought you said to not be afraid to shine?"

y/n: (chuckles) "There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance. Don't cross it."

soobin: (laughs) "Yes ma'am."

y/n: (laughs) "It's funny to see you saluting me and I have to look up at you."

soobin: "I can bend my knees and do it again."

y/n: "Are you poking fun at my height?"

soobin: "A little."

y/n: "Just for that, I'm not letting you into the gate."

soobin: "But I forgot my gate key today!"

y/n: "Sucks for you."

soobin: "You did not just stick out your tongue at me."

y/n: "If I did, so what?"

soobin: "Then I'll do... this."

y/n: "Soobin!"

soobin: "What's wrong? I thought you weren't gonna let your height stop you."

y/n: "Give me back my gate key."

soobin: "I'm holding it out, just get it, then."

y/n: (laughs) "I hate you."

mom: "[y/n]?"

y/n: "M-mom."

mom: "What are you doing? Come inside the complex before you get run over by a car out there."

y/n: "O-okay."

soobin: (whispers) "Here's your gate key."

y/n: (whispers) "Thanks."

mom: "You must be the new tenant in the complex."

soobin: "Yes. It's nice to meet you, Mrs. [y/n's last name]."

mom: "Oh, this isn't my first time meeting you. You've been biking home with my daughter everyday, right?"

y/n: (whispers) "Mom..."

soobin: "Yes."

mom: "Well, you should get home now. I'm sure you have lots of homework to do. I know [y/n] does."

soobin: "Of course. It was nice meet... I mean, it was good to see you. Bye [y/n]."

y/n: "Bye."

(door closes)

mom: "I don't like that boy."

y/n: "He's just a friend, Mom."

mom: "I don't care. I don't want to see you with him again, do you understand me?"

y/n: "But Mom--"

mom: "Should we revisit what happened last year?"

y/n: "This isn't like that. He has a--"

mom: "Then let's make sure it doesn't become like that or like anything."

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