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-Since Streya hasn't done many interviews because she just debuted, fans took this as a chance to get to know her more

-She was very nervous and her leg kept bouncing under the table, and she kept sipping her coffee because she didn't know what else to do

-While the staff was getting ready to start she stood up and went to the front of the stage and answered some of the fan's questions

-She noticed a lot of fanboys there, but she kinda expected it because of the cuteish concept she had. She didn't mind though

-Surprisingly after a bit she no longer felt shy, she found the fans very comforting and it gave her a little confidence boost

-She quickly signed their albums and drew little doodles like flowers, butterflies, bears, and hearts

-She tried to do that quickly so she could have more time to speak to her fans

-She held their hands and asked them a few questions and asked if they wanted to ask or say anything to her

-She loved the fanboys because they were so sweet to her and the girls made her heart go uwu because they were so shy but still excited

-She put on everything the fans would give her and asked the staff to leave everything with her unless the table got to crowded

-She stated in a interview that she loves the marvel villain Loki and dolphins and she was so surprised when fans brought her plushies of those two things

-She sang to a young girl, she was maybe 6 and was there with her older sister

-Streya gave her the headband she was wearing

-When she was finished she went to the front again and answered some more questions

-She also danced to her songs and a few from other artists

-Her fans where very calm and well behaved so she asked her security if she can go down and greet them, they let her so she went to literally everyone and asked them if they enjoyed their time and hugged them

-Her time was up so she had to leave

-A whiney and pouting baby, but she finally said goodbye and a few more words to her fans

-She loved it

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