Chapter 20

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This chapter is going to be short. I have another book getting started. But I missed yall, and I will post my second book, with that.


Keith POV

It was 10:30 and everyone was wide awake, except for me.

"Keith get up, it's your wedding day. Come on let's get ready?" I can hear Allura yelling in the hallway. I groan not wanting to get up, I then heared the door open with Allura and Pidge running in all dressed up. I groan turning over in bed.

"I don't want to get up." I muttered to myself.

"Keith I know what your problem got cold feet." Pidge said.

"I do not."

"Okay, if you don't hop right out of bed, take a shower and get ready. Cause Lance is waiting at the church for you." Alurra said.

Time Skip

I was ready to go, but I'm still nervous standing in my white tuxedo in front of the door to the church. Allura hold the baby in her arm.

I mean how can I go down the aisle and become Mr

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I mean how can I go down the aisle and become Mr. McCagone. Will my friend will be forgotten, or will they still be in my life but far away. I don't want to leave them behind.

"Keith?" Allura question, knowing the fact that I'm nervous. "Everyone is nervous on this day; here is something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." She handed me a blue pinned, in a the shape of a rose.

"Allura I can't take this, you told me you were going to wear this to prom."

"I was, but this is a better day worth celebrating, take it." We both share a smile.

"Is the wedding just starting or what?" Lotor ask walking up the foot path.

"Its just starting." I answered.

"Uh huh, Keith break a leg; or let me break one for you. But seriously wish you luck."

"I'm going to miss you Keith Kogane." Pidge scream running toward us. "Now let's go." They took there places and the ceremony began.

I'll stop here cause I dont know all of the marriage stuff, but they video should cover it. Love y'all

Sign- Sherri

Y'all thot for, there's more

After the honeymoon from Bora Bora for one month begin there.
Keith's POV

The rest of the family moved into the house, to stay( look I didn't force them I ask) while we were away. But the have no idea what there going to witness.

Once we got home we open the door, beginning greeted by a poster saying welcome back home. The door was still left open, when the gang saw a head perked around the side of the door. A small child the age of 5, pulling a little suitcase and holding a purple lion in his arm. Everyone froze in shock.

"Guys not to be alerted or anything, this is Matt are adopted son." I announced.

"Keith he's adorable." Allura said.

By night fall, Matt gotten use to everybody. It looks like this family will never lose it love.

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