Chapter 4

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After the cleaning party dome their share, I was heading to bed when, Sir. Prime alerted me. He pointed behind the salad bar and there we found sleeping Keith laying on the floor. I picked him up and sat him on the couch. I can smell the alcohol on his breathe. I just wondered how this happen, until I realize Keith said; he don't drink alcohol. I suddenly turn my gaze to the punch bowl, I stuck my fingers in and sniff the punch resido on my finger.

"Achocol, Hunk must have spice the punch last night." I thought out loud to myself. If the school district find out that Keith was drinking, he be kicked out the cheerleader squad for sure. But, I can remove the alcohol.

"Um, Sir. Prime can you take him to my room and remove his shirt for me?"

"Sure thing boss, but are you aware that your father wouldn't allow human in the house. And plus I can get fired or worst he can burn me alive." He said taking Keith by the arm; he was right, he can lose his job for not obeying and Sir. Prime had a look in his eyes saying that this was a bad idea.

"Don't worry, I'll tell him the whole thing was my idea. And be punished sooner or later." I said, sounding at ease. He nodded his head and took Keith to my room.

When I got to my room Keith was laying on my bed, with his shirt on the chair across the room.

"That will be all for now." I said walking toward my bed and Sir.Prime close the door behind while leaving. The only thing I'm going to do is remove the alcohol, from his blood stream. I lean over Keith, placing my hand on his head it felt like an hot desert. I can tell when he wake up in the morning, form all that drinking he's going to have one massive headache.

I tilted his head to the side, so that it will show his neck. I retracted my fangs and slowly release them into his flesh, so he couldn't feel that much pain. I was getting a little dizzy dinking the alcohol from his body; but I had to remove it. Until, I came across and sample of his blood that hitted my tongue, craven me to want more. Once that was over with I placed his shirt in the closet, walking back to the bed. Afterward I fell asleep on his chest.

Father POV

I was disappointed at my son throwing some random party. And furious me that my son is sleeping with some human. But, I'm waiting on the right moment to barg in. Oh yes, I lied to my son using this opportunity to lead Romania, and turn it into a party.

Adam's POV

I was talking to Shiro and then I called to see if Keith was home but there was no answer.

Shiro, I'm worried about Keith." I said looking at the clock on the wall. Mostly I spend my time at Shiro place, but his parents were home celebrating the 12th wedding anniversary.

"Why did you say that?" He asked sitting on the couch beside me.

"He haven't answered his phone or email me back, and he always call around 7:30 to tell when he's home." I explained.

"Don't worry he call, and tell you when he's home." Shiro confront me."He'll be fine." He wrapped his arm around my back, which actually made me feel a little better.

Keith POV

I suddenly, wake up in Lance's house, I though I was died. I turned over and saw Lance. Oh my God, I'm in his bed; I must have been drunk last night. Why this happen to me? Why? I was thinking when I heard a moan from Lance.

"Uh, my head hurts." He said lifting up the covers up from his head. I was looking under the cover, at my body and couldn't believe I was half naked. Laying in bed with the love of my life. He got up and I turned completely red. We both looked at each other and scream from surprise.

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