Chapter 19

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9 months

Lance POV

Yes those month went by pretty fast,huh. Sometimes I have dreams, that my father came back from the dead, killing all of us one by one. I  still regret that my father is dead, I had do something. This family is the glue that holds us all together. 30 minutes I fell back to sleep, with Keith sleep on the bed. If your wondering; I'm still sleep in the chair, cause Keith need the bed more then I do.

Keith's POV

For the last 2 months i slept on my left side completely surrounded by pillow, seperating me farther ans farther from my boyfriend. Then I suddenly I felt a sharp in my stomach, I looked up at the clock and it was 12:30. So I'm wondering: Why does my stomach hurt right now? My stomach doesn't normally hurt, Omg am i having a contraction??!

I turned over slowly, nudging Lance gently, who immediately bolted out of the chair.

"We have to go to the hospital, we have call the doula. I think our baby will be here in the morning." Yeah it's been a long wait and we were both concerned beacuse we thought are baby is going to be born early. Dr. Jones even told us that there is such thing as early birth, he had a patient that gave birth to 7 months baby; sometimes the baby can die of not being fully developed. But he informed us that are baby will be born anytime of this week.

But, I calmed him down and instead, I started timing and writing down my contractions. Between 1:10 to 1:20 the pain was coming every 10 minutes, it wasn't that bad; but it was painful to try going back to sleep. I still wasn't sure if it was a contraction or what it felt like.

Moments later, Pidge and Allura suggest I should walked a around. Walking down the the hall, we saw that Lotor and Lance were heading to get the car, while Hunk, Adam, and Shiro stay behind with us. Pidge dad was working so we all managed just find.

Time skip

8 minutes went by, and the pain was getting unbearable. Allura dabbing my head with a wet cloth and Pidge holding my hand. Hunk cooking, Adam and Shiro talking up a storm.

I felt a sharp pain again in my lower stomach, I squeeze Pidge's hand. I didn't want to squeeze her hand to hard, that it hurt her. I grabbed my phone making the dial.

The phone was ringing but no answer. "Pick up, pick up, pick up." I muttered to myself, finally there was a voice.


"Lance where are you?" I questioned.

"Still at the gas station, what's happen?" He sound worried.

"Lance I can't take the pain anymore, and the ambulance is on its way."

"Okay I be there a fast as I can." He protested and hunged up.


Lance POV

Once I received that call, it was time to pack up and go.

"Come on Lotor and stop stealing." I yelled, he ran out of the store and got in the passenger seat.

"A Lance you have to be careful, yelling are you steal. You going to get me arrested." I answered him, and drove as fast as I can back to Pidge's house.

Keith was going into labor and who's knows when are child is going to be born. The ambulance was outside the house, with the blue and red light. I got out of the car and I saw Keith being pushed on a hospital bed.

"What's going on, is he going to be okay?" I questioned the doctor in the back of the ambulance.

"Your Highness, his contraction are 10 minutes apart and he told us he couldn't take the pain anymore." He got in the back vehicle and they  drove off. I got back in the car seeing the gang in the back. And a hospital for my kind is 50 miles and a dimension away.

At the hospital, we found Pidge dad and he directed us to the room.

"4th floor, room 437. I'll be with you guys shortly." We took the elevator to the 4th floor and turned the corner finding room 437. We entered the room, hearing nothing but silent. We walked in a took a seat, 2:12 when Keith woken up.


Huge Time skip

They place straps across Keith, inserting the epidural into his back. He told me his body was numb, and told me he couldn't fell anything. I held his hand making him know that I was there.

Soon we heard wailing. Are baby was finally with us, the doctor cleaned him up and handed him to us. Then the gang walked in with gifts in there hand, from the gift store in the lobby.

"Thank you guys, but y'all all ain't have to do that." Keith said.

"Lotor where's your gift?" Allura questioned.

"Um, y'all know the store still open." We laugh and took turn holding the baby. He looked just like Keith: Keith's hair and eye, and my skin color.

"What you going to call him?" Pidge asked.

"How about Neko Yoark McCagone?" We all agree and soon Keith went to sleep, and the rest of us stay in the room, till it was completely morning.

But there was surprise, I  bought a house big enough for all of us to stay in.

Now that all of us can live together

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Now that all of us can live together.

In the next few week there wedding will take place and I dont feel like writing so the video should take care of it.

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