Chapter 16

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Lance POV

Ever since last night, I was concerned about Lotor and Allura's date. If Lotor done anything to her, so help me God he is going to die. But when i saw her this morning, she looked like she was stuck in a daze or something. She sound so peaceful, happy.

"Allura what happen last night, did Lotor touch you, did he bitten you. Do you know that guy is a killer?" I asked, waiting for an answer; she hesitated for a moment.

"....Lotor and I had our date on the patio, no he didn't touch or bitten me." But before she finished I cut her off.

"Then what is that?" I ask pointing to the purple marks, over her neck and around her collarbone. She looked at her collarbone and neck blushing.

"Well let say he's an excellent kisser." She answered," he's change, he's my boyfriend." That left me speechless.

*Time Skip*

At work that just poked at my heart, one of my friends is a murders girlfriend. I was driving the richest person Lady Drew, around town showing her the sites. After the tour was over she paid me a suspension amount of money. Did she give me all this money just for one tour of the town.

"Thank you for showing around town." She said, I know that voice it sound familiar.

"Stacy?" She looked up at me. "Stacy Dracula is that you?" She nodded her head, she follows by the name of Lady Drew. She had shiny black hair, emerald green eyes, and cherry red lips. Her pale skin. I use to call her a ghost.

"Lance McClain it is so good to see  you. I haven't seen you in, who knows how long."

"So this where you live, The Pandora Hotel." That a five star hotel in this town.

"What are you doing with a job as a taxi driver?" She questioned, "Are you trying to escape you father clutches."

"Yes." I said she got out of the car, we both waved a good by amd left. There was something fishy about her. If she and her dad moved back to Transylvania, why come back unannounced. That don't seem right.

Stacy POV

"Follow him, Stacy that will lead us to him." I can hear Lance's father voice in my mind. Lance is my best friend, how can I turn my back on him. We known each other since we were in diapers.

"Yes sir." I answered, it was getting close to dark. 6:30.

When I followed him to the house, Lance walked into the house with everyone in there. I knocked on the door, thankfully Lance answered.

"Stacy what are you doing here?" He asked. I want to tell him that Lance is in danger, but how when you have your best friends father is listening to everything you're  saying.

Allura POV

It was 7:34 when I went to bed to get some rest. So I can stay up and watch the light festival.

(Lemon up ahead skip if you want, it sounds weird to me, if you get. Thanx, cuz I feel like a freak. )

Lotor POV

When i was walking down the hall, i start to smell a thick sweet smell of blood; coming from the guest room Allura was sleeping in. I opened the door and walked in. Did she die? I'm thinking to much, but that smell was in this room.

"There nothing wrong with my nose." I muttered to myself, it seem to be coming from Allura.

"Mmm..huh. Who's there?" She asked waking up, reaching over to turn on the light.

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