Chapter 6

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Pidge POV

When we left the hospital, Keith was totally quiet. I tried making the best of it but it seems that I made it worst. Every five minutes, I have to stop the car cause of his nauseaness. By the time we got home it was 2:12 in the afternoon, cause we left to go to the hospital 9:45 in the morning.

"You might want to stop the car." He said sitting in the passenger seat, holding his stomach that had send me a message, that he had to throw up.

"Again?" I said, like are you serious, I let out a sigh while pulling over, he open the door and ran behind some bushes. When we got home Keith was just a piece of work. Then my dad came through the door, holding a bag and tossed it to me.

"That's his medicine, it will help with pain." He went to his room, as i followed him he was on the phone talking.

"Dad, who are you talking too?" I ask from standing in the doorway, he looked up and put the on the stand.

"That was his doula." He answered, I looked at him confused. "Oh, a doula is a birthing coach, that is like a highly experienced friend who has giving many births themselves."

"So you mean, there are men doula?" I asked, looking at Keith eating a teriyaki pizza mixed anchovies and peanut butter.

"I don't know, but there something strange about this pregnancy. When he was in ultrasound, glanced and saw two marks on his neck. Like he's been got bitten by something." He said, I walked in and sat beside him. I wanted ask him another question, but, he was tired and I didn't want to bother him. But I needed to know for Keith sake.

"Dad?" I asked looking at him, he looked up like,yes. "Do you believe in vampires?" He looked up at me in shock.

"Yes." He answered. "But why you ask." He asked.

"Well you said he had two marks in his neck, besides what kind of animal will bite and leave two marks?" I asked, before my dad answer. Keith was trying to get to bed. The medicine I put in his food, probably had kicked in. It was 4:50 in the evening, I didn't even suspected it will start working this fast. So I left and put Keith to bed, he was exhausted and had a fever to 1.05 degrees. My God he's burning up.

"DAD, DAD COME QUICK!!" I yell at the to my lung, then my dad rush in at the speed of lighting. He put his hand on his Keith's forehead. Looking at him panting heavily.

"Pidge run to the bathroom, bring me a cold wet towel, and check the medicine cabinet and bring me one Tylenol." He said, as turned his head to me saying, what are you standing around for go. I ran to bathroom, grab a towel off the shelf, and tossed it into the sink full of cold water. I left the towel in the sink so it can stay wet. I searched the medicine cabinet grab the bottle of Tylenol, open it and shakes one capsule in my hand; grabbed the wet towel and ran down the hall, and gave it to my dad.

He placed the wet towel in his head and grab the thermometer, and check his temperature again watching it lower. My dad shook Keith, lightly on his shoulders to wake him up. He worked up as my dad handed Keith the pill.

"Pidge, can you bring Keith a glass of water?" I went to kitchen, and in a flash I was back in Keith's room holding a glass of full of water. I handed it to Keith, once he took the pill and swallow with water.

"What happened?" Keith asked, trying to get up.

"Well, you had a fever 10.5, and I don't know what caused it. By the way have you realize the two marks on your neck." My dad pulled up a chair and sat beside him, while I stood by the chair.

"No, I haven't realize it." Keith said, sitting up rubbing his neck.

"Have you got bitten by anything by chance?" I lean up and examined the mark. After all the hard study, I just can't make it out.

Pregnant by the Vampire(Klance)OCWhere stories live. Discover now