Chapter Twenty-One

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She checked out her goods and put them in her satchel. As she stepped out onto the porch, a voice rang out in The streets. "Dutch Van der Linde! You don't even know me but you've been stealing from me. I'm Leviticus Cornwall. Come out of there right now and none of your men will get hurt." The man yelled.

John and Hosea were being held at knife and gun point outside the saloon. Adeline made eye contact with Hosea and gave him a small wink to let him know she was here to help. Dutch and Arthur emerged from the saloon and stood to face the men. The man who called himself Leviticus Cornwall spurred his horse forward and left the scene.

"Fellas. What we have here is a case of mistaken identity." Dutch said. Adeline could already see Arthur reaching for his pistol. She had to do something to help. An idea popped into her mind. She went over to her horse tied up by the general store and untethered it. She slapped its rear and it ran forward, right into the mess of Cornwall and Dutch's men. That would at least distract them. "Watch out," she called.

As the horse flew by and almost trampled Cornwall's men, they let go of Hosea and John and the two were quick to pull their guns and start firing. Adeline darted to the porch of the saloon where Arthur and Dutch were taking cover between shots. "Quite a mess you've got here," She said with a laugh.

"I guess you could say that," Arthur chuckled.

"I've got a plan but you're gonna have to trust me." She said to Arthur and Dutch. At the mention of a plan, she had Dutch's attention- it was clear he didn't have one.

"Well what is it?" Dutch asked.

"I need a pistol or some kind of gun. I'll lead some of them astray so you can escape. I'm a woman, they probably won't shoot me." She explained.

Arthur and Dutch looked at each other and then at her. Arthur handed her a pistol and she gave them a nod before silently slinking off the porch and around the back of the saloon. She whistles for her horse who had ran from the shooting. He gingerly trotted over to her. She mounted him and spurred him into a run. She came around the back of the saloon and when she reached the front, she fired a few shots at some of Cornwall's men- likely missing. "Over here!" She shouted as she galloped out of town. Just as she suspected, the men on horseback followed her. She galloped down the streets leading out of Valentine and the handful of men followed her. At first, they didn't shoot at her but after a few minutes of following her and not catching up, they fired a few shots. They all missed Adeline and she at last reached the final point of her plan. She had backed herself up to cliff that had a running river under it, though Cornwall's men didn't know that. She dismounted and held up her hands in the air. The men finally caught up to her and stopped as they saw her cornered by a cliff.

"Nowhere to run now, is there you whore?" One of the men spat.

"Please, I'll do anything, just don't kill me," She fake pleaded.

"Anything?" One man asked with a devilish grin. 'Gross' Adeline thought.

"Anything, truly. Even this," She said, stepping backwards off the cliff. She felt herself free fall for a while. Before splashing into the river. The water was freezing but she was safe. Adeline stayed under the water for a few moments as the current swept her away from Cornwall's men. No doubt they would find a way to the bottom to look for her. Once she could no longer hold her breath, Adeline popped her head above the water. She was out of sight from Cornwall's men. The cold water seeping through her clothes froze her to the bone and she quickly got out of the icy river and walked along the bank. The wind on her soaked clothes was no better.

Adeline walked along the river bank for a while. She knew exactly where it would lead her. Back to Horseshoe Overlook.


"She's not back yet?" Arthur asked Dutch. Dutch and the rest had gone back to camp before Arthur so Arthur could make sure they weren't followed. He had expected Adeline to be back when he returned.

"No, son." Dutch said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "She's a tough girl though, I'm sure she'll show soon. What she did back in Valentine for us, that was really brave."

"It was stupid. She could be hurt right now and we wouldn't know," Arthur said. Dutch raised an eyebrow and laughed at his son. He knew Arthur was sweet on the girl but wouldn't admit it.

"Oh, Miss Blackwell!" Miss Grimshaw shouted. Arthur immediately turned to see what the commotion was and saw Adeline walking back into camp. She was dripping wet and shivering. He excused himself from Dutch and ran over to her.

"Adeline?" He said. She smiled at him through chattering teeth. Miss Grimshaw quickly wrapped a blanket around her. "Why are you dripping wet and shivering?"

She laughed. "My escape plan, it involved some swimming. Didn't think the river would be so cold."

Arthur guided her by the shoulders to the fire that was burning nearby. He sat her down in a log and he took the one next to it. "What happened after you got Cornwall's men off of us?"

She laughed again. "I led them out of Valentine and stopped at a cliff. They thought I was cornered but I jumped at the last second. The river was there to break my fall and I followed it all the way back here." She explained.

Arthur glared at her before grinning. "I'm thankful, I really am, but what you did was stupid. You could have gotten yourself killed."

"I guess you just have to take risks sometimes," she said.

"Miss Blackwell, I believe I owe you some thanks." Dutch interrupted. "And an apology. I've been nothing but a cold-hearted liar to you and all you've done is repay me with kindness. I am truly sorry for what I have done. And I am extremely grateful for your act of bravery." Dutch said.

"I accept your apology, Dutch. And I did what any other member of this gang would do." Adeline answered.

"Thank you again, Miss Blackwell." He tipped his hat to her. "Now I've got some moving arrangements to make so if you'll excuse me," with that, Dutch left, leaving just Adeline and Arthur around the fire.

"Listen, Adeline, I'm sorry. I know I hurt you and I feel bad about it. For once in my life I feel guilt." Arthur said, taking Adeline's hand in his own. "Your friendship means too much to me to let us keep giving each other the silent treatment."

Adeline didn't say anything. Then, slowly, a grin spread across her face. "I accept your apology, Arthur. I've been a complete bitch about the whole situation. I understand, now that I'm an outlaw, you have to do what you can to stay alive."

"I'd do anything to make everything better again. How can I make it up to you?" Arthur asked.

"Arthur, it's fine. I'm not upset anymore. We're friends still. And you can make it up to me by letting me go on more jobs with you guys. It's way more fun than staying in camp." Adeline said.

"We've got ourselves a deal," Arthur said, holding out his hand for her to shake. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him.

She pulled away, remembering her clothes were still soaked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get you wet." She said sheepishly.

Arthur smiled and pulled her in for another hug. "It's ok. You need to keep warm anyways."

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