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"She's beautiful," Tryce's mother smiled up at him, holding her hands in her lap

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"She's beautiful," Tryce's mother smiled up at him, holding her hands in her lap.

"Thank you," I nodded at her, sitting in a seat beside Tryce.

"She is," he rubbed my knee and looked over at me and back to her. "Lucky to have her,"

"Um, Dream?" His mother, Laine was of a Guam descent. She had large coily curls that fell down her back but she had it tied into a bun.

Her body was stuck inside of a wheelchair, that kept her from falling due to her being paralyzed from the waist down.

"Yes, ma'am?" I blinked slowly at her, grinning at her.

"Take care of him," she spoked soft and slow, pressing her lips together.

"Of course. I' ma take good care of him," I assured her.

I'd never hurt Tryce and even though he doesn't know about Jakari, that's one thing he can't know.

I wanted to spare his feelings, especially with the way things have been going. He did question what happened but I just told him Jakari was snooping in my room.

Things don't need to be blown out of proportion, even if Jakari was wrong.

"You love him?"

"Ma," Tryce smacked his lips. "Stop wit' all the questions,"

"Boy, hush," she glared at him but her eyes got soft when she shifted her vision towards me.

"Yeah," I nodded with excitement. "I love him a lot,"

"You better," I heard Tryce mumble and cough.

"That's good," she rested her limbs on the basing of her wheelchair. "He's told me nothing but great things about you,"

"I would hope so," I felt the ends of my lips move upwards, forming a smile. "He's a good one though, I really enjoy his company,"

𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒. (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now