
Hoseok smiles affectionately.

- 🛒 -

They continued to Shop around and got some normal Household items like drinks or fruit , Yoongi was over at the Meat isle and noticed a familiar pare of four over getting milk.

"Hobi doesn't he look familiar"

Yoongi says secretly pointing to a male Playing with two children.


Hoseok says definitely recognizing the face , a blonde headed male comes around from the baby isle holding his bump with Toddle milk.

"Hey he's pregnant just like you Yoonie"

Hoseok whispers to Yoongi as he feels Hoseok bring his hand from his waist to his ass.

"More pregnant"

Yoongi says turning the cart towards their direction, he was curious.


Yoongi says walking over to the black and blonde haired males they look up curiously and immediately smiles from the familiarity of Yoongi's face.

"Hey long time no see!"

Felix says going in for a sideways hug so his bump isn't in the way.

"I didn't know you moved back out here!?"

Yoongi smiles shocked that it was actually who he thought it was.

"Yeah Jisung , was lonely down here so we moved down"

Felix says as he looks over to his kids in the cart looking at YouTube on his phone.

"Oh all that for Jisung! Speaking of him I haven't seen him since after Halloween Jimin doesn't really talk about him anymore"

Yoongi says as Changbin and Hoseok begin to talk.

"I don't know what happening ether he's just been really sad when I visited him in his dorm ,  the talked about Jimin a lot too He was head over heels for em"

Felix says with his Australian accent on accident, Yoongi nods as he listens to The younger male.

"Ah..well me and Hoseok were shopping for ingredients for thanksgiving, when we saw you five , It's gonna been at Jin-ee hyung's if you wanna come I'll give you his address if you want"

Yoongi says , Felix was confused my The term "five" but eventually gets in at giggles slightly

"I would love to come , it's only if this little one likes what you guys made"

Felix chuckles caressing his bump delicately, making them both giggle

"By the way how far along are you , are you having twins again?" - YG

"Twins!? *snorts* nope I'm 9 months so of course I'm big But this baby is trying to push 43 weeks" - F

"dang you're about to pop any day and I'm just barely getting started" - YG

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