i. 𝕘𝕔𝕡𝕕

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Imagine you're told to stand down, but you don't listen

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Imagine you're told to stand down, but you don't listen.

"Harvey! Harvey!" You run over holding your precinct issued gun. Harvey was ignoring you and talking to Jim. You kept pestering. "Damn it! Jim! We have to go in there! People are going to die!"
"I'm sorry, but this is hostage situation that I don't know the answer for... we have to wait until the kidnapper gets tired. And they will." You scoffed for a second, then paused. Seeing as he was serious, your blood began to boil. You angrily yelled at your captain. You knew very well this may cost you your job.
"We can't just leave them there! I have to do- we have to do something!" Jim faced you completely and did that 'soothing' calm down face whenever someone who's being interrogated threatens him.
"Officer (Y/N), calm down." That just made you fume. How could he do this?! He has no clue what to do! If he just listened to you maybe he would understand your plan. You just couldn't hold back your emotions.
"How can I?! Do you even have an actual plan?!" Jim ushered you off to the side away from press and whispered.
"I need you to calm down." He was treating you like a child, like you had no clue what you were doing, even though you're the only one with a plan!
"No, Jim! Because none of you have any idea of how to save those innocent people!"
"You can't be sure they're innocent!" You stood there dumbfounded. He looks shocked at his words as you shook your head at him.
"So that's it. Captain James Gordon. You look me in the eyes and tell me they deserve death for past things they've done."
Jim stayed silent. He was far too embarrassed about what he had said, he didn't mean for his inner thoughts to spill out.
"Well, let me tell you something you didn't know, Jim" you venomously sneered at him. He looked at you confused. You had never taken this tone with anyone before. You started to walk away, propping up your gun. "My best friend is in there and I'm not about to lose him, just like I lost my sister because of the same kind of situation. So either you let me go in there and save them, or-" You knew Oswald was in there. You two had grown up together and you weren't about to let this kidnapping maniac kill your best friend. Jim speed walked over to you and gripped your shoulder. You tried to pull away, but he was not letting go.
"Stand Down, Officer (Y/N) (L/N)! That's an order from your Captain." Jim called over two cops, Harper and Alvarez. "If officer (Y/N) (L/N) moves I give you permission to escort them to the precinct and be charged for endangering citizens." Jim narrowed his eyes at you as you stood there dumbfounded. You noticed Jim began to walk away. Everything was eating you up inside. Fear, Anguish, but most importantly a saying that someone told you. 'In our line of work, you know the risks and the sacrifices that have to be made.' Underneath your breath you whispered. "Yeah I do." You dropped your precinct issued gun and swat vest as it was weighing you done. You took out your pistol quietly, not wanting to attract attention. You thought in your head. "I'm sorry. But I will do this. I have to." You hit and knock out both Harper and Alvarez. After seeing them conked out, you loaded your gun quickly. Observing your surroundings, You run past all the squad cars with your pistol up. Jim starts yelling and chasing after you. You push passed the swat team and closed the gate in front of the building.
The kidnapper wouldn't see only you coming. It felt like life was in slow motion. You charging in there. The police chasing after you. The press completely freaking out. The hostages could die, but you were almost certain that in exchange for your life a couple others would be saved. And that's a philosophy you could live with. You push down the door and there's the kidnapper standing there. You shot on sight.

You landed the shot right in the center of his chest. However, at the same time the kidnapper shot at you, landing a bullet right in your stomach. You gripped your stomach as the kidnapper fell over... dead. "Scumbag..." you looked at the hostages who were gagged and tied down. Some even had grenades strapped to them. The warmth of your blood deeper through your fingers. You gritted your teeth.

The pain was burning hot. You hobbled along trying to reach the hostages. You suddenly felt very woozy. Your head was fuzzy and this ringing. Ringing in your ears along with another sound. The sound of your heart pumping.

A form of nausea resonated in your throat. The feeling of fuzziness took over as you dropped to the ground onto your back. You looked up at the hostages, straining to turn your head. "Is....ugh... everyone okay?" The hostages nodded, some were crying. You saw light from the outside come in as the world started to tilt and your vision started to blur. "(Y/N)!" A deep voice called. That slightly woke you from your dazed state.

"G...Gordon?" He started to apply pressure to your wound to stop the bleeding. You hissed and whined as he pressed harder. You saw spots, but you also saw the hostages making it out of the building. Someone else entered your peripherals as your vision blurred into obscurity. You could only make out the familiar limp and pale face next to him. "Gordon... Oswald... I can't see. G-Gordon..."

"Hey! Hey! (Y/N)! Stay with me. Don't you dare die." Jim yelled to you. Boy, were you going to get a lecture if you survived this. The paramedics rushed in with a stretcher and oxygen. Feeling yourself get lifted up, you felt someone grip your hand for a moment and then let go as you were wheeled out. Cops were rushing to your side, while reporters filmed and documented the whole event. Oswald glared at Jim. He pulled him close as Zsasz watched.

"Captain James Gordon! You had better hope nothing happens to (Y/N) or I will personally set fire to your career and everything wrong you've done will be exposed-" Jim grabbed Oswald.

"How was I supposed to know that (Y/N) would disobey my orders to stand down?!" Oswald fearfully pushed himself away from Jim. He paused, cleared his throat, and then brushed off his coat.

"Just...Take care of it, Gordon." He said as he limped away.


"Yesterday evening, a kidnapping had taken place. Three hostages taken captive by a psychotic copycat. Despite orders to stand down from Captain James Gordon, Officer (Y/N) (L/N) ran into the building and shot the villain on site. However, the heroic cop was shot in the process and is currently under medical watch, but is in stable condition and recovering surprisingly quickly. We hope that this hero is able to return to work and continue their good deeds. This Guardian of Gotham." You heard the for the 15th time, since all the news channels are playing the same thing.

You laughed gently, as it hurt to laugh harder. It's true, you weren't expected to recover this fast. Good health genes can really be a lifesaver. Pun intended. "I'm no hero. I'm the cop who disrespected the Captain."

"I beg... to differ." Jim said as he entered the room. "I want to show you the amount of good you have done by sacrificing yourself, but first... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you were right all along."

"Jim it's fine. I know you were under a ton of pressure and I wasn't exactly helping. You had no way of knowing if my idea really worked or not. I forgive you."

"Thank you, and I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of inviting some people to visit you." You looked at him confused, your family was far away and you know they weren't visiting as they never had the time, however the people that came in was extremely shocking to you. Oswald, aka Penguin, had brought his most trusted "friends". The families and the hostages themselves had gathered in the hall. People who found your act heroic gathered in the lobby, waiting for permission from Gordon to be allowed. Most of the precinct had come to see you.

"Gordon! You call this some?" You chuckled gently. You looked at Oswald, he looked like he was about to cry. "Aw, Oswald..." You reached for him to hug you gently. He did. Although he hugged you gently, he still hugged you like you were dying.

"Thank you...I couldn't ever repay you (Y/N)." He told you while smiling happily in tears. You started tearing up as well.

"Oh Oswald, you do enough by being my friend..." You looked at his friends. "Can I name everyone is the question. Butch, Barbara, Tabitha, and... Selina." You smiled and named everyone off, each smiling a little that you knew their names. Jim kind of pushed them off to the side so more people could see and thank you. It was a looooooong day.

However, it came to you as a shock when Bruce Wayne himself thanked you. Not only that, but his butler said if you ever needed anything that they would be happy to help in any way they could.

The rewards were well...rewarding, but you got to save lives. You got to live with knowing that you sacrificed yourself for the well-being of others.

\ word count: 1625\

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