iv. | 𝕗𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕪

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Imagine being under Penguin's thumb, traumatized and thinking Fish is dead

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Imagine being under Penguin's thumb, traumatized and thinking Fish is dead. 

"Why don't you do right...Like some other men do. Get out of here, get me some money too." You paused a waiting for the cue from the music. "Why don't you do-"

"(Y/N)! You're timing was off. Again. How am I supposed to bring in customers if you can't do what we agreed on." Oswald smiled his mouth closed. Oh shit. I'm screwed. He got up and limped towards you. For some reason you felt numb as he did, but your heart sped up when you heard slow clapping from a table in the audience. He angrily thinned his lips before slowly turning around "Don't you people understand that we're-" Oswald's voice completely got caught in his throat after he saw that Fish Mooney was seated in his original spot. His body immediately started to tremble. Fish smirked and scoffed and went to pick up her martini glass.

"When did the little penguin become the vocal coach?" She spat before taking a small sip of her drink. Dipping her head back as she finished the drink in one swallow and looking back to Oswald.
"What are you doing here?! You're— You're  supposed to be dead!" He stuttered and shook in fear, anger, and frustration. Backing up and trying to get out of her way. 
"Mm... You see a lot of shit can happen. I am one of those things." Fish placed her hands gently on the table and pushed herself up and walked toward Oswald, keeping her eyes on you as well. That's when you noticed one of them was blue. She had brown eyes before, how is one of them blue?  As she got to the front of the stage, she brought up one of her heels to step onto the stage, clearly more interested in you than Oswald. She stepped fully onto the stage, stroking her hand along your face. You couldn't move, you had no idea how it was possible or how to react. You had been reprogramed by Oswald to a fearful crooning henchman instead of the strong powerful right hand and lover you had been to Fish. She forced you to look at her, your body automatically turning towards her and being drawn to her hold. "Now, Oswald. Why did you have to mess with my baby? Now look at them, all bark and no bite." She gently kisses your lips leaving you craving her touch once more, however she turned and stepped off the stage her intimidating aura growing ever larger. She waved her finger in the air in his face. "That's not how I run things. Oh,  did I mention that I run things again?"

Oswald gulped and backed up slightly as Fish moved closer to him, her heels clicking rhythmically.  He eventually stopped backing up and glared at her. He spat, "Not here! This is my place now! Your old news, Fish. You're weak! I beat you fair and square! I wo-" He didn't even get to finish before Fish gripped his throat and made a small tsk tsk waving her finger in his face once again.

"Wrong again. I'm weak? Oh Ozzy," she strokes his cheek and you almost feel jealous. "You just haven't seen how strong I can be." She grabs him and forces him into the chair in the front seat in front of the stage as you stood there frozen. He shook in fear as she started to drag her nails along his throat switching her grip to the back of his neck instead. "I'm not even upset that you stole my club out from underneath me, no. I'm upset  with what you did to my baby up there. Look at them. What did you do to them you scaly little bitch?" Her grip somehow got stronger around his throat. 

"I didn't do anything I swear! Not physically, not mentally, not emotionally! Nothing!" He squeaked out in a quick string of sentences.

"tsk tsk. That's not true. I'll just ask them. (Y/N) baby." You finally got pulled back to reality and snapped your attention to the woman in front of you who had your current boss in her vice. "What did this coward do to you honey?"

"Oh...nothing. Only, scare me out of my mind with threats of torture or killing me if I do anything wrong. I don't know why I'm even here anymore. Why he kept me alive...? I have always been loyal to you, so why didn't he kill me as an example?" She grips his chin letting her long nails cut into his chin. 

"Look what you did. I don't like my baby being scared of their own shadow! You. You! You are going to pay for this, slowly, and painfully. For me, for them, and for Butch. " She went to reach for a steak knife that was on the table near Oswald. 

"Butch was my fault, Fish. Don't blame him." A deep voice spoke. The tall, bulky Don Carmine Falcone stood at the entrance of the club. Wearing his classic pinstripe suit, he held his gentle sternness as he walked past the bar into the entrance of the seating area. Fish looked up with slight frustration, but more controlled.  

"Carmine. You can't let this weasel get away with this." She said ready to slit his throat with ease.

"My Dear" He approached even closer. "Let me keep him, he's useful weasel. You will get your club back and I will not let him bother you or you little lover anymore. Though I didn't take you for the romance type. " She sighed and gave a very fake forced smile to the Don making sure he wasn't planning on trying anything with you as he did with Lazlo. 

"What can I say? They keep the bed warm at night." She looks at Oswald, looks at the marks on his face from her nails, looks back at Falcone and finally lets go of his face. "Fine. Have him."

"Thank you my dear, I wish you all the best luck." He said as he left and Oswald hobbled out following him. You were frozen for a moment buckling to the floor of the stage. She  throws a chair across the room with a scream after Falcone was out of sight. She huffed, walking over to you, kissing you deeply and passionately. Once pulled away she lays her forehead on your own. 

"I won't let anyone touch you baby, don't worry."

[ I'm baaaaack. I've got two more lined up so hopefully I can get those out before May is over!]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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