And it's beautiful.

You approach a large mansion, four stories high, lit up like a Christmas tree and the

And then Thomas turns into it's driveway.

You're eyes widen.

"What are we doing here?" You ask.

"This is where our date is at." Thomas says, his mouth twitches upward.

"What are we doing?" You ask in awe.

"Something ageless." He responds quietly.

It takes about ten minutes till you get to the house. The grounds are beautiful. Flowers are everywhere and there are trees and bushes embellished with flowers. You feel like you died and went to heaven.

Finally you pull up to the house, which is even more intimidating from close up.

"Holy cow." You whisper.

Thomas smiles and gets out to open your door.

You step out and take it all in.

Thomas takes your hand and pulls you along, "Come on."

You don't go into the house - thank goodness, but there is a path along the right side. An archway with grapes growing all over it grows above the path and leads out into a grassy courtyard area. Then you see a picnic blanket and basket out to a corner of the yard and you smile.

"See?" Thomas says nudging you with his shoulder, "Ageless."

You smile up at him, "It's wonderful."

He smiles back, "Come on. Let's eat, I'm starving."

The two of you walk over to the picnic blanket and sit down.

"Now I hired a cook and told her to cook her best dish, so let's see."

He opens the basket, "Pork chops with rice....corn-"

"OH MY GOSH CORN!" You squeal.

"You like corn much?" Thomas says with a grin.

" I only like it when I'm breathing." You say with a nod.

He hands you the pot of corn, "Yes!" You say, not hiding your excitement.

He pulls out the last thing, "Oh, yeah! Pie!"

You glance at the tin he holds in his hand, "Yum!"

"Want to eat right now?" Thomas asks.

"Heck yes, I do!"

"Awesome. Do you believe in eating dessert first?" He says with a hopeful glance.

"Uh, yeah." You say nodding quickly.

He smiles, "We are going to get on just great, you and me."

- - - -

"Uhhhh. I ate too much." You say covering your eyes with your arm. You and Thomas are laying down on the blanket taking in the shock of how someone could make food so rich.

"If I throw up will you judge me?" Thomas asks.

"Nah, I'll just throw up with you." You chuckle.

"Ah, that's good." Thomas mumbles.

You lift your arm of your face for a few seconds and look at him. His hands are on his stomach, his eyes closed and lays down on the blanket comfortablely.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora