~ Chapter I ~

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I was wandering around the forest for a quite some time now

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I was wandering around the forest for a quite some time now. My legs had been starting to become rebellious, therefore I was forced to stop by a near trunk tree...

"Well, that's not how I pictured my day to go. I would have rather helped mum with sewing and cooking..." I stopped, grimacing at my exaggeration. The hit on my left cheek still vigorously burned, the reddish mark lingering to stay on my skin. One smack for being disobedient, the other one for being what I am.

I sighed again, this time deeper.

"...Nope...being lost is way better." I murmured, glancing at the trees that sheltered the ground from the sunlight. I had do blink a couple of times for gawking at the endless way that could mean my escape, which also later on resulted in my eyelids to get stuck together.

This month I finally turned sixteen.


The fact that I was already at the specific age gave my parents the privilege to marry me off. And as it was expected from a girl like me, I had to know how to tend around the household and bring up healthy, strong children. But unfortunately...I sucked at cooking. I hated the thought of being bond for life with an utter stranger. To not be allowed to work for myself. To depended on someone. To listen and obey everyone and smile delightfully while I'm excruciating-dying inside.

I didn't even have the natural beauty every girl achieved during the timeline of my constant playing in the mud. Not that I am complaining about the decisions I had made. Honestly...I didn't care for that...I just wanted to be...happy. Free. Even though I was shy most of the time and tried to conceal my opinion with silent murmurs aka avoiding unnecessary conflicts in my inner circle.

I shut my eyes and raised the chin, so my face caught some warmth that radiated from the sun. I clenched my feet close to my chest, making the hem of my dress rustle within the movements.

The uneven road shook me slightly. I was too exhausted to think straight. The rustling leaves thrummed gently in my ears, like a lullaby.

My eyes kept rolling shut.

Who said I can't take a quick nap?


That wasn't a quick nap. I cursed to myself when I woke up to the blackness surrounding me. I had been lucky that I ended up lost during the full moon, otherwise I would have been a total goner. I shuddered at the thought of being in a utter darkness, encircled only by animals, without any human interactions.

I quickly rose to my feet, which was a few seconds later seen as an absolute mistake, because I wobbled back to the floor, my hands decreasing the impact of the fall.

"Why me?" I had groaned before I staggered to the opposite path, not towards the direction I initially came from that afternoon. The night was calm, the smell of fresh, wet leaves increasing as I was entering the solemn heart of the forest.

After relaxing my sore muscles, I felt jumpy, my forehead stubbornly puckered while my eyes were peering at the thick row of trees. Eavesdropping the neighboring vicinity, I heard a rustle behind me.

Wide-eyed, I abruptly turned, my heart throbbing in my ribcage like crazy. I continued navigating my way on the visible path, picking up my pace. I found it stupid feeling anxious for no particular reason whatsoever. I didn't want to be one of those people where blackness gave them free reign to the imagination, hallucinating the impossible, which wouldn't exist during the daylight. Unfortunately, right in that moment of total engulfing silence, I belonged to the group of influencing, scared mortals...

A branch from my right side popped, which meant only one thing...An alarming sign for my quickly frightened mind to run for cover.

Another branch crumbled. However it resembled more and more a sound of heavy limbs being dragged across the forest's floor than a slight crack of dead wood. Not setting my mind to the reality, somewhere nearby the area of an overpowering river-flow sound, I clumsily stepped on a rock and tripped on floor, releasing a high-pitched shriek. My chin was soaked in the pound of water, coldness ingulfing me.

I struggled to obtain the power in my muscles to rise from the spot, but a certain stingy pain in my leg didn't grant me the permission to do it. Without a delay I glanced to my left, searching for anything that could help me stand. I didn't need to turn around to detect a lurking shape behind me. The heavy steps were becoming clearer as well scarier to my panicked brain, already going under the state of hyperventilation. Heavy tread, quicker, irregular, followed me.

"Fooooodddd~ a hoarse voice broke into the foreground. My eyes almost jumped from their captive place, angst taking over my trembling body.

I 'm not dying like this!

The feeling had lasted roughly three seconds, before I grabbed a semi-large wooden branch and not minding the injured leg, launched it in mid-air. And I guess I really hit someone-more like something.

In front of me, a beast looking creature laid. The branch, that was not even a second ago warningly clutched in my hands, was now sunk right into its heart, thick blood pouring from the hit that came together with a determined scream. The head of an ox, with sharp horns curving upwards, fell to the ground with a loud thud, the hidden tongue released from the hideous mouth.

I almost puked when I realized the reason behind its enormous speed. The body way depicted as spider-like with six legs, at the end of each appendage a singular claw was noticeable. With a little burst of horror, I could smell faint touch of metal and soil draping the air around me. Blood.

"Let me eat you!~hehehe"

Even without any light of life in the previous illuminating red as blood tinted pupils, the words struggled to resonate from the bottom of its throat, the tone of speaking a bit lower and hoarse.

"Let me kill you~ hehehe."

The remaining dead eye, fully opened, stared blankly at me. Indeed had I made a blow which resulted in a fatal wound where help would only be an eyesore, but nevertheless, its body shook within the slurred threats. The uncontrollable spasming ended when black fluid gushed from its mouth.

I cranked my face upwards, towards where the fresh breeze collided with my dirty skin. My wasted limbs hurt but I guess the adrenalin did everything on its own, as I first stumbled on my knees and then launched forward, pumping my muscles with the last found atom of strength towards the unknown. Naturally repeating a quick prayer was also included.

I ran like that until I reached first signs of life, hoping they will lead me to help and the safety of my home. 


To be continued...

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