Chapter 16

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"I'm so sorry but visiting hours are over..." The doctor stated as he stood next to my bed. Everyone gave me a hug and then unfortunately had to leave. It was sad to see them go, I wish they could stay.

I've been here for a few days now, each day everyone comes to see me! It means the world to see them all care for me so much, I feel so loved. The doctor nodded and smiled at me then left the room. Now it was just me and Connor, the thing is.. He still hasn't woken up. It absolutely terrifies me, what if he doesn't wake up? I sigh, what to do. What to do. I stare at Connor and give off a weak smile, he still is covered in cuts and shit but they aren't as bad as they once were. Tears fell from my eyes one by one, I can't lose him. My heart feels like it's being ripped out of my chest, I can't bare to see him so hurt. He didn't deserve any if this! It wasn't fair..

I looked around the room, making sure that I really was alone. I crawled out of the bed carefully, my bones ached and my cuts stung but I didn't care. I walked quietly over to Connors bed and placed my hand gently on his cheek, before I realized it I was basically drowning in my own tears. Pure guilt faced me, this was all my fault. "Miss! What are you doing out of bed?!" A nurse with straight black hair ran over to me and grabbed a hold of my shoulders, directing me back to the bed. I continued to cry, "Miss, is there anything I can do for you?" She pleaded. She must not know about my speaking condition. I sobbed, rubbing my eyes continuously. This sucked. Even if I were to tell her what I needed, she couldn't help because all I needed was him. He is the 1 thing that I wanted more then anything right now, and I can't have him. "Ma'am?!" She questioned, shaking me a bit. She probably thought that I couldn't hear her or didn't understand her fully, I wiped away the last of my tears and shook my head no. Telling her that I didn't need her help, I tried not to be rude about it though.

She took a deep breath, "Ok. If you need anything please don't be hesitant to page one of the nurses. Just press this button right here." She turned my attention to a button that was placed at the side of my bed, I nodded slowly and she then left. I looked over to Connor closed my eyes, the sight of him was emotional for me. So. I chose not to look. I lay there with my eyes closed, drowning in my thoughts, hoping to fall asleep. Soon enough, I was swallowed into the darkness.


I woke up the next morning to more voices, my eyes shot open and I saw everyone standing there smiling at me. "How you feeling beautiful?" Sam asked me, I thought it was sweet how he had called me beautiful but let's be real here, I'm covered in bruises and I look like shit right now. Long story short.. I've looked a hell of a lot better. I warmly smiled at him, then gave him a small hug, everyone else continued to ask me how I was feeling and other things like that. "Um. Excuse me." Andrea tapped on the nurses shoulder, "When can she leave? Like. Come home?" I never really thought about that, when was I going home? "Let me see..." She looked at her clipboard, checking off a few things. "Soon. She still has a bit of healing to do but... She shouldn't be here too much longer." The nurse smiled widely, everyone cheered.

I smiled at each of them and they returned it. "Oh one more thing..." Andrea focused back to the nurse, she lady looked up from her clipboard and nodded. "Is he.. Doing any better?" Andrea nervously asked as she glanced over at Connor, the nurse awkwardly escorted Andrea into the hall. Oh no. Where is she taking her? Why didn't she answer the question? Is Connor going to be ok? What is she telling her?! I tried to stay calm but I could feel myself breathing faster, I was gonna hypervenolate if I didn't stop. I calmed myself down and took a deep breath, I needed to relax. I'm sure Connor is going to be fine! Right?

Andrea soon entered the room once again and I smiled at her, trying to act like I wasn't worried. Andrea didn't seem nervous or worried but then again, I'm sure she can hide things pretty well. "What did the nurse say?" Ricky blurted out, "Nothing. Just telling me that visiting hours are going to be over soon." She quickly replied, I knew it was a lie. The nurse didn't tell Andrea that, she's trying to hide something. But what? I sighed quietly and went underneath my covers, I'm not in the mood to see anyone anymore. I was being dragged back to depression, I didn't want to be but I couldn't so anything to stop it from happening. I was becoming my old self again, no matter how much I didn't want to go back to being that person.. I didn't have much choice. I groaned a bit, "Please come out." They all begged, "Please." Jc came close and whispered. I stayed still. They all sighed and I'm assuming they left because the room was soon silent, I peeked my head out from under the blankets and I was right. They were gone.


Hello beautiful people!!!

So this chapter is a bit longer

Hope you all are liking it!

Thanks for 169 reads by the way!

It mean a lot!!!

Byeeee love you alll!!


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