Chapter 10

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My phone buzzed in my pocket. I reached in and pulled it out, then turning it on. I had received a message from Jenn!

Jenn- Hey!

Me- Hey..

Jenn- what's wrong?

Me- Connor...

And with that my phone started ringing. This is why she was one of my best friends, even though I hadn't known her for very long she felt like a sister to me, she was so kind and always put others before her. I told her what had happened and she sighed, "I'm sorry... You wanna hang out? Maybe get your mind off of things?" She asked in a sympathetic way. "Sure." I say as happily as I can, maybe she was right? About getting my mind off of things. I hope she was right. We arranged a time and I hung up, I still had about an hour before I had to go so I flopped down onto my bed. Wait a minute... What am I gonna do about cuddle time? Is it 'post poned' until the awkwardness is over between us? I'm gonna miss it. A lot.

"Hey...." Connor pushed my door open softly then walked right on in. All I could think was, "Sure. Come on in." I wasn't going to be rude and say it though. No need to take my emotions out on him, even though he's the one who caused them.. "Hey. Um. I got to go." I pushed past him and ran downstairs then out the door, gripping my phone tightly so I wouldn't drop it. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone other then Jenn right now, besides.. Its kinda awkward between Connor and I or at least I think it's awkward. Time went by slowly but soon enough Jenn arrived, pulling up in the driveway. "Hey." I plopped into the passenger side seat, she smiles at me "hey."

I explained how I felt and what was going on and she seemed to understand exactly how I felt even though she hasn't experienced it, I felt like I could tell her anything. "I'm sorry.." I told her. She looked at me confused, "Why are you sorry?" She asked. I sighed "because I'm just dumping all of my feelings on to you and I shouldn't." I apologized, she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Its fine. Why don't we just go out somewhere and clear your mind?" She gave me a warm smile and I smiled back and nodded. Hopefully I would be able to get my mind off of things..

We drove to a convienent store and picked up some candy and a couple of pops/sodas. Soon after we went back to Jenn's house and flopped down on the couch, what better to do then watch some movies with my best friends? The rest of the girls joined in and the movie started. I was really enjoying myself until I got a text, I pulled out my phone quietly and read the text.

Connor- Hey... Um... I gotta tell you something when you get home. Please don't be mad.

Well shit. What should I be mad at him for? What could he have possibly done for me to be mad at him even more? I trued to push past it and focus on the movie but my mind couldn't stop thinking about what he could have possibly done. How bad was it? There's not much that I can think of that would really affect me. I managed to focus long enough for the movie to end, after talking for a bit with the girls Jenn offered to take me home and o thanked her.

After walking into the house I ran up to my room to see Connor pacing the floor back and forth. He stopped and noticed hat I was standing in my doorway, "Alright. What is it?" I asked, curious to know what he had done. He pulled out my book and held up the page that said 'Sadie+Connor' my face lit up bright red. Shit.


Hello beautiful people!

How is everyone?

I feel a lot better about this chapter ^-^

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Love you all!



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