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A month later Chuck and I were inseparable. He was like my little brother. I protected him and he lifted me up when I was feeling depressed. I used to be so lonely when Newt was with Alby but now I had Chuck to keep me company. He had gotten really close to everyone but I was still his favourite person. One morning I was dead asleep in bed when I felt something jump on it. I looked up a groaned when I saw chuck jumping up and down on the bed yelling, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"
"What is it?" I moaned as I slowly lifted myself up. I was still sitting in the bed glaring at him when he said, "the box came up. I'm being promoted!!" I was annoyed that he woke me up for what seemed like a stupid reason but when I saw the excitement in his face all that anger vanished. That's when I realised that Newt was already gone. He must've gotten up early and didn't want to wake me. Suddenly chuck jumped off the bed and pulled me out snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Wait I need to get ready," I laughed as he tried to pull me out of the hut.
"Ugh Fine. You always take so long," he complained. I rolled my eyes and told him to leave so I could get ready.

When I left the hut I saw an unfamiliar boy running towards me. I heard Zart shouting, "we got a runner!" And everyone else laughed. Suddenly the boy ungracefully dropped to the ground. I couldn't help but laugh at this clumsy act. I was about to walk over to help him up but he managed to scramble to his feet before I got to him. So instead I went to Newt. Once he saw me approaching him he held out his arms and I gladly accepted his offer by running into them. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.
"Morning love," He whispered, our faces inches apart.
"Morning Newton," I giggled as he groaned at the last word.
"I told you not to call me that," he whispered in my ear. I smirked as I pressed my lips against his. Our lips moved in sync.
"Ugh get a room!" Chuck yelled as threw his head back in disgust. I laughed before I separated from Newt and tackled Chuck with a huge hug. Alby came over to us with the new greenie and called Newts name. Newt instantly approached them.
"greenie meet Newt. When I'm not around he's in charge," Alby introduced. Newt shook the greenies hand as I said, "good thing you're always around then." Newt glared at me ( mainly because I mimicked his voice) but the glare quickly turned into a smile when he saw me laughing.
"Hi I'm Y/N," I shook my hand with the greenie.
"You know for a second there I thought you had the chops to be a runner. Till you face planted," I couldn't help but laugh at Newts' remark.
"Runner?" The boy seemed very confused by what Newt said so we decided to leave so Alby could explain everything to him.
"He seems nice," I said to Newt. He nodded as he placed his arms on my shoulders.
"And he's cute," I teased. Newt slowly removed his arm from my shoulders and stared at me with one eyebrow raised.
"What did you say? He asked with his eyebrow still raised.
"He-is-cute," I spelled it out for him. I smirked as he started to get annoyed. He suddenly smirked too as he grabbed me by the waist and held me close to him.
"But I'm better," He cockily said. I rolled my eyes.
"You sure about that." He looked down at me getting annoyed again.
"I'm better than him right?" He asked. I just shrugged as a reply. He suddenly pulled me closer bringing his lips down to my ear.
"Say I'm better looking than him," he whispered in a husky voice. He suddenly attacked my neck hungrily, kissing and sucking it.
"You're way hotter than him," I moaned. He suddenly stopped and I whimpered as I missed the feeling of his soft lips.
"We need to get to work." He let go of his grip on my waist and started walking towards the gardens.
"But-" I started.
"Come on love," Newt turned back round to face me a patiently waited.
"Fiiinnee," I wined as I walk towards him.
"Good," he smirked.

"Light em up!" Alby commanded. Everyone including me threw their sticks with fire into the fire pit (idk) and we all cheered. The celebration had begun. Soon the cheers quieted down to normal talking. I looked around and saw Newt talking to the greenie, so I approached them.
"Hey guys." I smiled as I sat on the log beside Newt.
"Hey love, just in time. I was about to make him try it," Newt smirked at me. I clapped my hands together in excitement. The greenie looked at us confused.
"Here, put some hair on your chest," Newt handed him the drink. The greenie instantly drank it. The moment the drink entered his mouth he spat it out and coughed as if he was choking. I burst into laughter, my face turned red and my eyes watered.
"Funnier every time," I laughed.
"What is that?" Green bean coughed.
"I don't even know. Gally's recipe." Newt explained taking a sip. He handed it to me so I could have a taste too.
"He's still an asshole," The greenie complained.
"He saved your life today. Trust me, the maze is a dangerous place. I would know," I shivered as I said those words remembering what happened the first time I was in there.
"Is she okay?" The greenie whispered. Newt explained what happened to me and I grabbed onto his arm when I heard the Grievers shrieks.
"We're trapped here aren't we."  I looked to Newt and then turned my head to Minho.
"For the moment, but see those guess there. They're the runners. Every morning they go in the maze to find a way out," I explained pointing towards Minho, Ben and a few other guys.
"How long have they been looking?" The greenie curiously asked. I looked down a bit ashamed.
"Three years," Newt answered. I hated having to answer these questions.
"I'm gonna go to Chuck. Bye guys," I waved as I got up and left. I reached Chuck.
"Hey, where  were you?" Chuck asked when he saw me.
"I was with Newt and the greenie," I replied. We talked for a while until Alby walked over to us.
"Hey Y/N, the greenie's gonna stay with you and Newt tomorrow." He told me. I rolled my eyes, "great more questions." Alby chuckled.
"You were just as bad you know." I ignored him when I saw everyone crowding into a circle. I pushed through trying to find Newt.
"What's going on?" I asked when I found Minho instead. Jumped when he heard my voice behind him. He turned and smiled when he saw me.
"Green beans gonna fight Gally," he explained getting excited.
"Oh no. He's not gonna be able to fight Gally," I thought.
"Where's Newt?" I asked. Minho just shrugged, not even bothered to look at me. I was going to go find him but the fight started so I stayed put. Without warning Gally pushed Thomas into a group of boys then shoved him onto the ground. I scrunched up my face but carried on watching.
"Come on greenie, we're not done yet," Gally got ready to fight again.
"Stop calling me that," greenie complained.
"Stop calling you that? What do you want to be called? Shank?" Everyone laughed at this but I just rolled my eyes at his immaturity. The greenie suddenly ran at Gally and grabbed him. He tried pushing him down but struggled and ended up on the ground again. He didn't stop trying though. The greenie eventually got Gally on the ground.
"Yes!" I shouted but instantly realised that was a mistake when I saw the anger in Gally's eyes.
"Not bad for a greenie huh-" Gally swiped his leg under the greenies and tripped him. The greenie fell to the ground hitting his head hard. I shivered at the sight and instantly placed my hand on my head. Like an instinct. Most boys cheered for Gally until the greenie whispered something. He jumped on his feet.
"Thomas! I remember my name! I'm Thomas!" A wave of relief and excitement washed over me when I shouted, "Thoomaas!!!" Everyone cheered for him and patted his back. I ran over to him and gave him and huge hug. Newt came over to us and broke the hug to congratulate Thomas and wrap his arms around my waist. Finally the celebration was over and everyone went to bed. I congratulated Thomas one more time before Newt and I went to our hut.

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