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At dinner I sat next to Newt and Chuck. Minho sat across from me and where Thomas would normally sit was Teresa.
"Y/N. Y/N!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Minho's voice.
"Were you listening at all?" He narrowed his eyebrows at me.
"Sorry no," I apologised. Newt put his hand on my back and rubbed small circles.
"Are you alright love? You seem distant," he asked me. The sound of his beautiful English accent automatically made me smile.
"Yeah. I-I'm just gonna go," I stuttered and picked up my tray of food. Once I threw it away I snuck into the kitchen to get some fruits.
"Whatcha doing Y/N," I turned and saw Fry with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Getting food for Thomas?" He questioned. I nodded weakly and put the fruits down.
"Take them," he smiled. My face lit up and I grabbed the fruits and thanked him. I walked out of the kitchen and went to the pit.
"Hey Thomas," I smiled. He smiled back as he looked up and saw me sit on the floor.
"Is that for me?" He nodded towards the four fruits in my hands.
"Two of them are," I handed them to him and he eagerly grabbed it out of my hand. He harshly bit into the apple.
"Don't you have something to say to me?" I smirked.
"Thanks," he said with a full mouth. Once he finished he furrowed his brows.
"Why'd you bring me food?" He questioned.
"I felt bad for you," I shrugged.
"Who are those for?" I looked to the other two fruits I had left hungrily.
"Alby," I said. He nodded.
"I'm gonna go," I informed him. He smiled and nodded. I got up and walked to the med-jacks hut.
"Hey Alby," I whispered when I entered the hut and sat beside him.
"I brought you some fruits," he didn't answer. I sighed at the fact that I was literally talking to myself.
"Please wake up," I begged. I sat there for a while telling him about everything that had happened while he was unconscious until I eventually drifted off.

"Y/N! Y/N!" My eyes shot open and I screamed like a banshee.
"Woah woah woah. Love it's just me," Newt calmed me with his soothing accent.
"You frightened me!" I shouted. He chuckled.
"Why are you sleeping here?" He asked. I looked around and suddenly realised I was in the med-jacks hut.
"I um," I thought for a while until the memory came flooding back.
"I brought him some fruits and told him about everything that's been happening," I explained.
"He was awake?" Newt asked hopefully. I shook my head in dismay.
"Why'd you wake me up?" I complained.
"Minho and Thomas went in the maze," he said.
"And?" I raised my brows.
"The boys have been complaining about how you never work anymore," he looked down at his hands.
"You want me to go back to work," I said more than asked. He nodded.
"Ok well you said from now on someone needs to watch Alby, I'll do that," I convinced him to let me stay.
"So you don't mind if the boys complain?" He asked.
"I don't care about what those shitheads think," I told him.
"You should consider using the glade slang Y/N," he chuckled. I shrugged and laughed.

I spent the entire day watching Alby, once in while Newt, Chuck, Winston or Frypan would visit me but most of the time it was just me and Alby. Suddenly the person I wanted the least to visit came.
"What do you want?" I snapped at her. Teresa looked down and whispered, "just wanted to check on you two."
"Well you've seen us so you can go now," I rolled my eyes and turned back to face Alby again. She sighed and was about to leave when we both heard a loud gasp. Alby eyes bulged open, his chest rose and his lips separated slightly.
"Teresa go tell the others Alby's awake!" I ordered. She instantly ran out to inform the other boys.
"Come on Alby sit up," I struggled to sit him up but I managed. All at once Newt, Minho, Thomas, Gally, Frypan and Teresa entered.
"Has he said anything?" Minho asked.
"No," I shook my head.
"Alby?" Newt bent down beside me, "Alby you alright?" He asked. No response. Thomas bent down with us and even though I knew it was a bad idea I didn't stop him.
"Look we might just found a way out of the maze," he told him, "we could be getting outta here." Alby's eyes watered as he shook his head.
"We can't," he whispered, "can't leave."
"Alby what do you mean?" I asked him.
"I remember," his voice cracked when he said those two words.
"What do you remember?" Thomas questioned. He turned his head and looked to Thomas.
"You." We all looked at Thomas before Alby carried on.
"You were always there favourite. Why did you do this? Why'd you come here?" He asked him. We heard a shouts coming  from outside in the glade so we all left Alby to see what was going on. Everyone was running around with fire trying to hide and panicking.
"What's going on?" I asked Winston.
"The doors aren't closing," he explained and then ran off. All the boys were running towards the doors. We followed them to the entrance of the maze.
"Chuck?!" I shouted his name until I found the young boy. I held onto him tightly, wrapping my arm around his waist. We waited for the doors to close until we heard a deafening banging from them maze. We all instantly covered our ears to stop them from bleeding. Suddenly we heard another noise but this time from behind us. We slowly turned around and saw the walls open. And then another sound came from our left, then our right. Open doors were surrounding us.
"What's going on?" I asked Newt.
"I don't know," for once his voice wasn't soothing but instead it was worrying.
"Ok Chuck I want you to go to the council ok, start barricading the doors," Thomas ordered.
"Winston you go with him," Newt demanded.
"I'll go," I told him and before Newt could say anything I took Chucks hand and we ran to the council. Before we could get there a few boys stopped Chuck and I.
"Run!" They screamed. A few of there eyes rested on something behind us before running into the woods. I hesitantly turned around and instantly saw the Grievers running into the glade. I was frozen with fear. I felt chuck tugging onto my hand trying to pull me out of my position. The Griever locked eyes with me and suddenly I was back in the maze. Running for my life with Newt and the boys in front of me screaming my name. Just at that last moment the doors closed. The Griever was getting closer. I only had one option to survive but it was risky. I grabbed onto a vine and pulled myself up. I climbed up the wall as high as I could until I felt a tug. Then another one. I felt one more large tug on the vine and my hands slipped off making my legs fall off the vine. I fell for what seemed like forever. Suddenly I felt a shake and heard someone shouting my name.
"Y/N you need to run! Come on!" Newt shakes me out of my thoughts and held my hand tightly. We ran into the long weeds with everyone else and hid. Screams echoed through the glade as boys were taken one by one. Suddenly we heard a Griever getting closer. A large robotic arm appeared above us and rapidly lowered itself, grabbing Zart and pulling him up. Before we could help he was out of sight. I jumped up and ran out of there with the others trailing behind me. Still squeezing Newts hand, we ran to Alby and the med-jacks.
"What's going on?" Alby asked.
"They're here!" Thomas said. Without warning another boy was taken by the Griever. From behind us another boy was killed. And then behind us again a Griever appeared causing everyone to run. We ran but not far when a Griever jumped in front of us. I screamed and held Newt as close as possible. Teresa threw something at it making the Griever burst into flames. This gave us enough time to run away from it and to a safer place. I shot her a thankful look as we ran. Alby tripped over and I rushed to help him up. By the time he was up the Griever was right in front of us. Thomas pushes us behind him and held a knife at it.
"Come on!" He screamed. I turned around and saw chuck at the map room.
"Over there!" I pointed to him, "Come on!" I ran to Chuck and all the boys and Teresa followed me. We rushed into room and locked the door. The door moved a bit and we could hear the monster outside trying to get in. Then it stopped fighting its way in, it was silent.   We heard footsteps in the roof. Suddenly the robotic arm broke through the ceiling looking for someone to take but couldn't find anyone so it rose back up. Then multiple arms came through the ceiling and grabbed multiple boys, including chuck pulling him up.
"Chuck!" I instantly held onto his arm and tried to pull him down. The Griever was too strong and I couldn't bring him down. The others picked up on my struggle and helped to pull him down. Chuck screamed as we used all our force to save him. Alby hit the arm constantly with an knife until the Griever let go of Chuck and disappeared. He fell but before he could hit the floor I caught him and pulled him to my chest. I wrapped my arms around his shaking body and held him tightly. He turned his head and looked at Alby.
"Thanks Alby," He said. Alby nodded in response. Suddenly the Grievers arm broke through the ceiling and pulled Alby up. I screamed and Thomas shot up to help him.
"Get them out," Alby told him before he was out of sight.
"Alby!!!" I screamed. Thomas ran out of the map room.
"Thomas No!" We all shouted and followed him. Outside was nothing but fire and chaos. The glade was empty, destroyed.
"Oh my god," I whispered. Gally appeared from all the smoke.
"Gally..." before I could finish he punched Thomas in the face. Thomas fell to the ground and all the boys dropped to help him.
"Gally what the hell!" I shouted at him and glared. He just ignored me and started shouting.
"It's all you Thomas! Look around!" We had to pull him back to stop him from hitting Thomas again.
"It's all Thomas's fault! You heard what Alby said! He's one of them! You're one of them! They sent him here to destroy us and now he has! Look around Thomas! Look around! This is your fault!" He shouted.
"Gally calm down!" I ordered him. He just carried on arguing until we heard a scream of pain. I turned around and saw Thomas injected himself with the syringe. He fell to the ground and we all surrounded him.
"Chuck get the other syringe," Teresa ordered.
"Put them in the pit," Gally ordered. All the gladers were so scared that they actually listened to him. A group of boys carried Thomas to the pit while others forced Teresa to the pit.
"That's not fair!" I got on my tip toes and looked right in his eyes.
"It's the right thing," he argued.
"You've changed. You're such a dick now! Do you even remember what it was like to be kind?" I shouted. He glared at me and his silence only made me angrier. I harshly placed my hands on his chest and pushed him. He stumbled but stayed standing. I got ready to punch him when I felt a hand stop me. I turned and saw Newt holding onto me.
"Come on Y/N, you need to rest," he calmed me down. I nodded and we both went to our hut.
"Go on, cry. Let it all out Y/N," Newt told me once we got there. I shook my head.
"No. No more tears. From now I need to be stronger. No more grief, no more cries and needing a hug or people walking on eggshells for me. No more."

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