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Newt and I left the hut hand in hand with our fingers laced together. We were inseparable. Until Alby walked over to us, I quickly let go and I could tell Newt was confused.
"What's wrong love?" He whispered in my ear. I didn't reply because Alby started talking to us.
"Hey um Y/N. I know you've been through a lot but you still did something stupid and-" he was cut of when I looked down and said,
"I risked my life. I should go in the pit." Alby was shocked at what I had just said. No one ever said they should go in the pit.
"Are you sure?" I nodded and slowly walked towards the pit. Newt and Alby trailed behind me to lock me in. Once I was locked and Alby went away Newt asked,
"What are you doing?"
"I deserve this. It also means I can talk to you in private without anyone getting suspicious," I explained while I tried to get comfortable.
"What do you not want everyone to be suspicious about?" Newt asked but this time a bit more worried.
"Us," he looked hurt by what I just said so he got up to leave.
"It's not about you!" I said quickly. He stopped in his tracks and sat down again.
"Then what is it about?" He tried to look calm but his annoyed tone of voice told me something different.
"I like you, a lot. It's just that... on my first day Alby clearly said not one glader is allowed to touch or date me," a tear rolled down my cheek as I said this, "I want to date in secret." Newt took a few minutes to soak it all in.
"You don't want me to go in the pit," he smiled at the thought.
"Have you seen this shuck hole," I laughed.
"I have to go now. Bye secret love."

The next morning I was finally let out after breakfast. Alby decided we should have a meeting so we all went into the hall and sat down. Alby and the keepers all stood in front of us in a straight line. There was loads of mutters about what was going on until Alby silenced us all.
"Alright everyone! This meeting is about the maze. Y/N has given us new information about it so I think we should have runners!"
"Alby what are runners?" Minho asked.
"The runners will go in the maze every day and map it out until we find a out of here," he explained, "and who better to chose the runners than the only person who's been in there." He looked towards me and gestured for me to get up. I nervously left my seat and made my way to the front.
"Ok um... well I've seen the maze and I think the runners should be fast, strong and have an amazing memory. But it's a very dangerous place and it would be too risky to send a lot of people because we can't risk loosing too many people." Minho instantly raised his hand to volunteer.
"I want to run!" He shouted. Alby glared at him but I said, "alright Minho you should be the keeper. You're the fastest person here. Anyone else want to volunteer?" I looked hopefully at the crowd of boys but not one hand was raised. I got really angry and started shouting, "you lazy ass boys need to actually do something to get us out of this shit hole eventually so someone better put their hand up before I start forcing you to go against your will!" After that Ben and two other boys called Jack and Henry put their hands up.
"Good," I sighed before walking out of the hall to calm down. The next few days I had to train the guys for their new job. Minho couldn't wait to get into the maze but Ben, Jack and Henry we're still a bit scared. I had them lifting weights I made from tree bark and running around the glade until they passed out. Everyday I made them train for hours and then skip meals so they would ready if they missed a meal in the maze. Everyone said I was too hard on the them but I ignored the criticism and carried on. I made them take a survival training in the maze. But not so far in the maze that I couldn't see Newt waiting for me. It was hard and tiring but they understood that it's what they had to do to not get killed. The night before they were meant to start running I couldn't sleep. I was just laying there on my back thinking when Newt snuck into my hut.
"Hey love," He whispered taking me out of my thoughts.
"Newt you scared me!" I whisper shouted.
"Sorry love," he said as he got into my bed. I rested my head on his chest while he placed his arm around my shoulders.
"What were you thinking so hard about?" He asked.
"The runners. Do you think they're ready?" I asked looking up into his eyes.
"Definitely. You trained them very well," he reassured me before kissing my temple.
"Was I too hard on them?"
"No, you just care about their safety," Newt said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"How did you get your limp?" I asked curiously. He hesitated before saying, "I climbed a vine and jumped. My leg got stuck so it broke in three different places." I felt bad for him and wanted to ask why he jumped but decided not to.
"I'm sorry," I said instead.
"What for? You didn't do anything," he spoke softly.
"For your leg. I know I had nothing to do with it but I'm sorry." He gently kissed my lips. It wasn't rough, it was passionate and meaningful. When we pulled apart I asked, "what was that for?"
"For being so kind and... perfect," he replied.
"I'm not perfect," I laughed.
"You are to me," he said. I gave him one last kiss before snuggling up into him and going to sleep.

The next morning we sent them off. The boys went running into the maze. I gave them all the supplies they needed before hugging them good bye. As I hugged Minho he whispered in my ear, "I saw Newt sneak into your hut last night, don't worry I won't tell." This just made me hug him harder. I didn't how I could live with myself if he died in there. I prayed that they would all come back to me safe. After I watched them run into the maze I couldn't move. All the Gladers went to work but I was frozen. Eventually Alby came and pulled me to the gardens where I should've been working. When it was lunch time Newt sat next to me (like always) but the table still felt empty. I expected Minho to sit across me and say something like, "hey shanks," but he didn't. I was scared for my best friend. Newt placed his hand on my thigh to remind me I still had him but it didn't help. I waited all day for the boys to come back and when it was finally time I was the first person to wait at the doors. I waited for ages until I saw Ben and Minho running back to us. I screamed at them and jumped as they got closer. When the boys got out I couldn't help but hug them making us fall to the ground.
"Oh thank god you're ok!" I rejoiced. Then I realised that Jack and Henry weren't with them.
"Where's Jack and Henry?" I asked getting worried. They both shrugged and said they split up.
"Ok well they better hurry up," I said trying to sound hopeful. Suddenly the doors started to close.
"Shit! Jack! Henry!" I screamed. I screamed until the doors closed locking them in.
"No!" I cried. We all stayed there until dinner. Some boys left but most stayed at the doors all night. I just prayed that they would survive the night.

The next morning we all gathered around the doors as they opened. Still no one came out. Minho and Ben decided to go in and find them, I suggested going with them but they declined my offer. When they came back they had both Jack and Henry's lifeless corpse in their arms. I screamed and ran into the maze to them.
"We watched them kill each other," Minho explained as they placed the bodies on the ground in front of everyone.
"We tried to stop them but it was as if they were out of their minds," Ben said burying his face in his hands. They explained that the Grievers (my idea of the name) did something to them. I cried all night and stayed by their side until the sun rose. We buried the bodies and had a small ceremony. Even though no body said anything I knew that they all thought it was my fault. And I agreed. I killed them.

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