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I was in the maze for about 3 months now. Every time the box came up I would pray it was a girl but it was alway a boy. I was getting unusually close to Newt. He would follow me anywhere I went and was extremely protective of me. One night I couldn't sleep. I felt like something was wrong or different. I decided to get out of my hut and have a walk. When I stepped out the floor started to shake. I stumbled to the ground and watched as the walls, that have been sealed since before I arrived, broke in half and slowly opened.
"Alby! Newt! Wake up!" I shrieked as I ran to the guys.
"Bloody hell what's going on?" Newt rubbed his eyes. I felt bad for waking him up but his hair was messy and he looked exhausted which made him look even better.
"Th-the doors," I panted, tired from running around the glade.
"What doors?"Newt asked as the rest of the boys surrounded me.
"Look!" Ben shouted as he ran towards the doors, "the walls are opening!" All the boys pushed me out of the way to get a better look. The force of all the boys running past me made me crumble to the ground.
"Come on," Newt held out his hand and pulled me to his chest.
"I told you," I grinned when Newts' armed rested on my shoulders. We walked to the doors and pushed our way to the front.
"What do we do?" I asked as Alby made his way next to me.
"We wait until we know more about it and then we'll decide what to do," Alby announced. They all agreed but I thought the boys were just being cowards. When everyone went back to bed I refused to leave.
"Go get some sleep," Newt said trying to pull me away from the entrance and perhaps a way out.
"I want to see what's inside Newt, please," I pleaded. I could tell he wanted to too but instead he said, "we don't know how dangerous it is in there. We can't loose you."
"Ok well can I please be alone for a bit?" I asked looking up at his big brown eyes.
"Ok fine, stay safe," he kissed my temple before finally letting go of me and walking off. When everyone was out of sight I snuck into the walls. There were just walls covered in vines surrounding me. I walked around making sure to make note of every turn I took so I wouldn't get lost. Sometimes I would get blocked by a tall wall and I would have to turn back. Everything was going great until I looked at my watch and realised I had been in there for 5 hours. The other Gladers must have been really worried. I started to make my way back to the glade when I heard a noise. I turned to see a big, hideous creature hovering above.

                 Newts' POV
"Where the bloody hell is Y/N?!" I shrieked when I realised she wasn't in her own personal hut. We formed a search group for her, even though the glade wasn't that big. I suddenly remembered what she said last night about the doors. I ran towards the big gap in the walls and screamed, "Y/N!" I kept on shouting until I heard a faint scream. That scream got louder and louder until I saw Y/N running as fast as she could towards me.
"Come on! Quick!" I shouted as I heard another ear piercing scream, but this time it didn't come from Y/N. A monstrous creature appeared behind her charging at her. I screamed and shouted as she got closer to us. Soon every single glader was surrounding me screaming with me. Suddenly we heard a grumbling sound as the floor shook. The doors started slowly closing. Y/N ran faster as I motivated her but she wasn't fast enough. The doors closed leaving her trapped inside the the bloody creature.
"Y/N! Y/N!" I shrieked.
"Newt, she's gone," Minho hugged me while everyone left. Their heads hanging low.
"No! No I won't believe it! Y/N!" I fought out of Minhos' grasp and started banging on the doors. I screamed her name for what seemed like forever until I heard a faint reply.

                        Y/N POV
I ran as fast I could to Newt. He had his hands held out for me and he was screaming my name. The doors suddenly started closing and just as I was about to get out they shut. I heard Newt screaming and banging on the walls. The creature approached me and tried to grab onto me but I jumped onto a vine and started climbing. I carried on climbing until I was pulled down. I looked down and saw the creature pulling onto the vine. I held on tighter and pulled myself up when I finally got to the top of the walls I scrambled to my feet and looked around and saw that it was a maze. The big place I was running in was a maze. A huge maze that could potentially be our way out. When I was finally done admiring the view I made my way to where the glade was. Newt was still banging on the doors below me. Three boys and Gally started pulling him away. He wouldn't move and even from so high up I could see the pain in his deep brown eyes.
"Newt!" I yelled. They all stopped for a moment and looked around.
"Newt!" I shouted once more. This time they all looked up and saw me. At first they were all speechless, except Newt who was screaming my name. Then they all were screaming.
"Y/N! You have to jump! We can catch you!" I heard Albys' voice from the crowd below me.
"You are jacked if you think I'm jumping," I crossed my arms over my chest as I tried to use the glade slang for the first time.
"Love you have to," it was the first time Newt called me love and I didn't want him to stop.
"Ok fine, you better catch me!" I shouted back. I closed my eyes and held them tightly shut as I let myself slip off the edge of the walls and fall into the arms of the Gladers. When I opened my eyes I was gently put onto the ground and they all hovered above me. Newt fell to the ground and pulled me up, holding my head to his chest.
"I thought I lost you," he whispered. A tear rolled down his cheek and onto my shoulder.
"Why do you care so much?" I asked. I liked that he felt a need to protect me at all times but I wanted to know why.
"Umm c-can we um talk in pri-private." He stuttered. I nodded and he quickly helped me up and walked with me. His arms wrapped around my waist. When we got to my hut Newt looked extremely uncomfortable.
"What did yo-" I was cut off by Newt just blurting out, "I like you!" I just stood there speechless. I stared at him for a few moments.
"I just ruined our friendship," Newt looked down. I walked closer to him until we were just inches away from each other. I placed my hands on his cheeks and pulled his face up. I just looked into his eyes. His beautiful glowing brown eyes. I smirked and crashed my lips onto his. Are lips were in sync. I felt Newts tongue go over my bottom lip asking for permission. I let his tongue enter my mouth and our tongues played together. We pulled apart for air.
"Just in case you didn't get it, I like you too," I said. He chuckled before reconnecting our lips. We then had the most meaningful hug.
"You're mine," Newt whispered into my neck. "All mine."

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