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Hafindion had assembled all the knights in the throne room.

"We have but one true place of reign, one throne and we shall go forth and take that throne." He said.

"Lord Hafindion, we have but recently taken the cities of Janperda, why should we abandon them now?" Canathron said.

"Canathron, I need not explain myself to you." Hafindion said, "But if you must know I see strife coming."

"Your troops are ready my lord." Canathron said, "Both in Janperda and the reserve army in Voreliar."

"That is another reason we need to get to Voreliar, we will form one massive fist against our enemy." Hafindion said.

All Haxyraths rose their fist in the air.

"When they are vanquished I can finally reclaim my original body. Once that is complete I shall be even more powerful then I ever was." Hafindion said, "From that moment on I shall fulfill my promise to all of you."

"Hail lord Hafindion! Hail Haxyr!" the Haxyraths chanted.

"I shall grant you each eternity." Hafindion said.

"I serve my lord faithful, 

for I will live forever

I will defend lord Haxyr from harm, 

for he does the same to me.

I will offer him shelter 

when he comes and keep his blood pumping.

And if the sadness comes 

 soon the tears will be flowing." The Haxyraths chanted.

Hafindion stepped towards Gabriella.

"I know you only joined us days ago, yet I have an important job for you to do." he said.

"You can count on me, my lord." Gabriella said.

"I want you to find out who we are up against, find out who is foolish enough to fight alongside Amfesto." Hafindion asked.

Gabriella retreated to the back of the library. The task of Hafindion had been simple enough, she would travel towards the last city that Amfesto was sighted and ask people who they had seen. Monirien would be the ideal place, since Canathron had been there as well. She read trough Canathron's report. There had been eight people with Amfesto at that very spot, yet except for the fact that Hethucîlion had been there she knew nothing. Canathron's early reports on returning to Janperda included the story of a young man traveling with Hethucîlion and Canathron, this young man was named Wolf, Gabriella recognized the name yet did not take notice of it.


Gabriella would not travel with the other Haxyraths and Hafindion towards Voreliar, she would instead be taking a detour trough Monirien to investigate. The car she had been lent was surprisingly similar in use as her own Aygo. She had put the robes Canathron had given to her inside a duffel bag and instead wore civilian clothing she had taken from the servants supply room inside Etharien castle. The road to Monirien was uneventful, for from Smeelerien to Monirien the road ran through a long tunnel underneath the mountains. By the time she was at the end of the tunnel it was already late in the afternoon. Gabriella decided to take a rest at a hotel and investigate the next morning. Canathron had noted in his log that Amfesto arrived just before they too stepped on a boat. One of the off-world people had fired a weapon at Canathron, yet this was another person then this Wolf-person mentioned earlier. Gabriella made her way to the docks early in the morning. A few fishermen were untangling their nets in the morning sun. One of the fishermen spoke of a completely black woman. Another fisherman had noted that four of the elves wore similar armour to Amfesto. The last four were probably of Leto origin as well. By lunchtime she had nine detailed descriptions of Amfesto and his followers, older residents of Monirien had recognized the specific Leto family members from long ago when the Leto's still lived within the city. To the origin of the off-worlders Gabriella could only guess, but she felt deep down that these were probably related to the Wolf-person.Half way true the afternoon Gabriella left the city of Monirien, she had seen enough and had the information Hafindion had requested. She would park the car at the mountain ridge to the west and go on by foot from that point, notifying Hafindion that she would be coming.As the desert sun touched her head she raised the hood of her robes. It was not helping her headache very much, but at least it would block out the sun falling into her eyes. She had left the other clothes in the car, knowing she was heading into a desert.She thought about her life before Etharien castle, it was all very faint and she only recalled vague faces, there was the young man with the wavy blond hair, she knew he was important, she knew he had something to do with it all, yet who he was she did not know. Somehow his face had been around ever since she heard the name Wolf, could he really be this Wolf-person? Hafindion in turn send Canathron by horse through the desert, Canathron was not a very accomplished horseman, but it was Hafindion's idea that he should make up for not retrieving Haxyr's original body.

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