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Gabriella was still tied to the bed, but the curtains were no longer closed. The window had a very poor view, but form the noises outside she concluded that there was some sort of conference room.

"Is anybody out there?" Gabriella tried.

She repeated herself several times before there was a sound of a key being turned in the lock. A robed man stepped into the room.

"It is time for your injection again." The man said.

"You still haven't told me what these injections are for." Gabriella said.

"You are not well." The man said, "But you will be soon."

"Do you have a name?" Gabriella asked.

"I am Jesstir." The man said.

"Hello Jesstir, I am Persephone." Gabriella said, "Persephone Kim Crowe, but most of my friends call me Gabriella."

"Why do they call you that?" Jesstir asked.

"It is the name of the avatar I play in a game." Gabriella explained.

"I like games." Jesstir said.

"Why am I being held captive Jesstir?" Gabriella asked.

"It is your illness." Jesstir said, "You might become dangerous without you yourself even noticing it."

"Then I hope to be well soon." Gabriella said.

Jesstir proceeded to administer the injection to Gabriella and then left the room again.


Hafindion looked at the seven robed people standing across the room. Hethucîlion's betrayal felt painful yet he must move on. He had appointed Canathron as his new second in command.

"Canathron, how is our new one?" Hafindion asked.

"She seems to become convinced of our cause little by little." Canathron said, "I have just given her another shot of the serum so she should become more eager to join soon enough."

"You are doing your part well Canathron, I see I made the right choice in promoting you." Hafindion said.

"Your lordship, I can do nothing but my best to serve." Canathron said.

"Now that we are close to being complete again we should start to prepare for the strike." Hafindion said.

Hafindion moved closer to his seven knights.

"The day will soon come when you can openly call me Haxyr once again." Hafindion said, "But the new knight will need to be taught before she can be of any use, we can not operate at full capacity we are nine once again."

"I will keep watch over her as often as I can spare." Canathron promised, "She trusts me already and soon the serum will allow us to initiate her fully."

"Let me once we can start. I want the rest of you to be ready to get her up to speed on our situation once she is initiated." Hafindion said.


Gabriella had grown accustomed to Jesstir's visits over the week and looked out to them every day.

"Jesstir, I feel well enough, can I be released soon?" she asked him.

"I think you are ready." Jesstir said. 

"Hafindion want to see you and test if you are ready."

"Is he a doctor?" Gabriella asked.

"He is our leader and most wise of us all." Jesstir said.

"Tell me when he has time for me." Gabriella said.

Later that day Jesstir returned with a set of crimson robes.

"He has asked that you wear these." Jesstir said as he laid down the robes on the bed.

He then retrieved a small key and unlocked the shackles that until now had tied Gabriella to the bed.

"Thank you Jesstir." She said.

"I think you are ready." Said Jesstir like he had that morning.

"I feel ready." Gabriella said, "I know I want to meet Hafindion and see what I can do for him."

After she stood up and put on the robes Jesstir led her away from the room into a large circular room. Two other robed men were waiting for her there, one was sitting on a throne and the other one was standing by a large stone table. Gabriella somehow guessed the man on the throne was Hafindion.

"She is ready lord." Jesstir said.

He left Gabriella in the middle of the room and moved to the side of the man on the throne.

"Persephone is your name, right?" the man on the throne said.

"Then you must be Hafindion." She responded.

"You will require a new name." Hafindion said.

"Then I chose the name Kore." She said.

"I have no idea what the name means, but it somehow suits you." Hafindion said standing up from the throne.

"I will wear such a name with pride." She said.

"My true name is Haxyr, and I am beyond mortality." Hafindion said.

"Are you a god?" Gabriella asked.

"I am." Hafindion said, "You have been chosen to represent me as a knight."

"It would be an honour to do so." Gabriella said.

"Then I shall name you Kore, knight of Haxyr, Haxyrath of Sevarien.

Gabriella knelt down in front of Hafindion and waited quietly. Hafindion put a large necklace around her neck, on the medallion attached to it stood a nine-pointed star.

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